SMED WiA - Towards greater gender equality: promoting the role and image of women in the southern Mediterranean audiovisual sector, a project co-funded by the EU in the framework of the MEDFILM Programme, has just entered its inception phase.
Among the planned preliminary activities, a number of best practices about programmes, initiatives and organisations devoted to gender equality in the field will be collected through an online survey. This inquiry has been recently disseminated in the whole Euromed region with the view of supporting the first call for projects’ beneficiaries from South-Med countries to develop sub-granted actions in research, training and awareness raising and advocacy domains.
Next phase will include capacity building and exchange activities for sub-grantees in Tunisia, on the occasion of the Journées Cinématographiques of Carthage.
The overall initiative aims at increasing female participation in TV and cinema sectors and at improving gender balance in the South-Mediterranean societies.

Funding programme: MEDFILM – Europeaid/European Commission
Consortium partners: Interarts (Project leader, Spain), COPEAM (Italy), CUMEDIAE-Culture & Media Agency Europe aisbl (Belgium), ESAC-École Supérieure de l'Audiovisuel et du Cinéma de Gammarth (Tunisia), SIB- Screen Institute Beirut Association (Lebanon) and the European Women’s Audiovisual Network (associated partner).