COPEAM, in collaboration with ASBU and RAI – Radiotelevisione Italiana has organized an International Training Seminar on TV Formats writing and production, that has been held from 14 to 21 June in Damascus, in the ASBU Training Center (ASBU TC).
The courses, composed by theoretical and practical sessions, was aimed to form TV authors able to :
- quickly identify the main features of a successful program, by recognizing its fine architecture and by fixing those features to new ideas;
- to mix – as it is requested nowadays to the emerging TV authors – marketing outlines with the knowledge of new trends and of international tendencies, both inside and outside the TV world;
- to know the importance of the staging and to be able to apply immediately all the ingredients that, today, contribute to the production of successful programs: combination of patterns, contamination of strong genres, use of all the potentials offered by the new technologies and by the Media convergence.
The initiative, that was the first joint activity COPEAM/ASBU in the field of training, has had a great success.
The participation to the courses has been considerable : 21 participants coming from 9 Countries (Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Palestine, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria).
The participants, having an homogeneous professional background in the field of programming, have expressed a great interest in the issues that have been dealt with during the sessions, and have greatly appreciated the training of the two RAI experts - Mr. Paolo Taggi and Mrs. Nicoletta de Vecchi.
The perfect logistical management, such as the warm hospitality, granted by the responsible of ASBU Training Center, have allowed the Seminar to be not only an important occasion for improving professional skills, but also an occasion for dialogue and meeting between the different Mediterranean Countries.