Musical Coulours

COPEAM made an agreement with the Radios Francophones Publiques (RFP) aimed at offering to its members, free of rights, the radio series Musical Colours. This series, composed of de 20 episodes, was coproduced by 11 radios associated to the RFP and CIRTEF. It is dedicated to the new talents of the contemporary music from French-speaking countries of Europe, of Sub-Saharian Africa, of Asia and of North America. The call for broadcast that has been just launched constitutes the first step of a collaboration completing the action started by COPEAM Radio Commission and intended to promote the most talented  of the…


MusicaMed is the new magazine of COPEAM Radio Commission on air from September 2014.
Devoted to the contemporary Mediterranean music, this mainstream weekly programme will offer to the general public the opportunity to share and discover the musical diversity of the Mediterranean basin through a punctual selection made by the partner radios: Radio France, SNRT/Morocco, Alger Chaîne 3/Algeria, RTCI/Tunisia, RNE/Spain and RAI/Italy.

Listen the episodes and download the podcasts on the partner websites:

Radio Rai
Radio France Bleu RCFM


Further to the success of the previous series devoted to cinema, football and Mediterranean harbors, COPEAM Radio Commission launches a new coproduction on the Mediterranean Marine Parks.Through portraits, the 12 public radios involved will give visibility to the marine protected areas of different Mediterranean countries, showing the human dimension of these ecosystems and raising the general public awareness about the stakes and challenges of this exceptional natural and cultural heritage.

INTER-RIVES IV: Sports without borders

The 4th edition of the COPEAM/ASBU coproduction “Inter-Rives” focusing on Sports and the values it conveys.

Kantara: Another idea of the Mediterranean

Kantara is a weekly radio magazine in French which brings together, all around the Mediterranean basin, the public radio broadcasters France Bleu RCFM, Chaîne Inter in Morocco, Alger Chaîne 3, Radio Cairo, Radio Tunis Chaîne Internationale and Spanish External Radio, all members of COPEAM.Created in 1999, Kantara wants to be the echo of the reality in a common and shared Mediterranean world. Every week, reports and/or invitees from both Mediterranean sides deal with society and current affairs.

With this unique longevity, Kantara is an exception in the radio cooperation field. In the current context, it appears to be a stronghold…

Mediterradio: The weekly news programme of the Mediterranean Western islands

In October 2012, a new version of the radio magazine Mediterradio was launched through the intermediary of COPEAM. Relying on a new and ambitious partnership between RAI and Radio France, Mediterradio devolved in a weekly news programme devoted to the Western islands of the Mediterranean Sea: Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily. The originality of this programme was made possible thanks to the audacious use of the languages based on the inter-comprehension of Corse and Italian.Produced and actuated by France Bleu RCFM along with the Sardinian and Sicilian stations of Radio Rai Mediterradio is intended to deal with current affairs and to create relations between…


Project supported by the European Commission – ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme managed by the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna

Joussour (bridges): a Euro-Mediterranean coproduction devoted to the environment soon to be implemented

JOUSSOUR project co-funding by EU up to 89,99% on an overall budget of € 497.044,93 – started in September 2011.
In this framework, COPEAM, in line with its purpose to, among others, promote coproduction projects, Mediterranean ones in particular, coordinates the consortium, composed by ASBU, PBS (Malta) and RAI (Italy). This is an innovative action in the sign of multiculturalism and exchange, aimed mainly at realizing…

Med Agora

Med Agora is a project conceived and coordinated by COPEAM (Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators) and addressed to all operators of Euro-Mediterranean audiovisual sector. Our goal is to network, connect producers, directors, buyers, sales agents, festivals, organizations supporting audiovisual production (Film Commissions …), training centres, professional institutes, and – more generally – anyone who works in favour of professional and cultural cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean audiovisual field. You can surf on three different sections:

  1. Networking – To create your own profile, present your projects, look for partners, widen your contact lists.
  2. Tips – The latest opportunities in the…

Terramed Plus

TERRAMED PLUS project – submitted to the European Commission by an international partnership having RAI as leader – is co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the Programme Euromed Audiovisual III.

Watch the project’s trailer

The activities envisaged by the project, launched on the 1st March 2011, will be implemented within 30 months. TERRAMED PLUS gathers seven broadcaster partners from the North and the South of the Euro-Mediterranean region: RAI, supported by COPEAM in the international coordination of the action, ARTE France, the Algerian public television EPTV,…