On 19th October COPEAM, in collaborationwith RAI Utile, launched «Made inMediterranean», a series of 26’ programs aimed at bringing a new point of view on the following subject: «East and West:identities and languages». Five episodes in which this topic has been presented from different points of view and through the participation of representatives of the Mediterranean cultural and Media fields. An exchange of perspectives between the North and the South aimed at overcoming some dangerous and persistent stereotypes which are often conveyed by the Media and that feed the dichotomy between Orientalism and Occidentalism. A focus-program on the new languages…


The first edition of Sea&TV, the Euro-Mediterranean Festival of TV formats dedicated to the
Sea, took place in La Maddalena Isle, from the 26th to the 29th September 2007.
The event has been promoted and organised by EB Communication, an Italian production society,
member of COPEAM since 2007.

COPEAM has granted its engagement in encouraging its members’ participation in the Festival, by promoting it throughout an information campaign, and in organising an international roundtable titled “A blue-painted TV programming.

From breaking news to infotainment” about the role that broadcasters and…



The 8th edition of the TV festival organised by MKRTV of Macedonia and devoted to the environmental protection and to the cultural heritage was held in Ohrid from 2nd to 5th June 2007.
The international Jury awarded as best documentary in competition the film “Bizarre World”, produced by ComFact (Czech Republic), that won the COPEAM Grand Prix.


Ohrid (Macedonia), 2-4 June 2006 : COPEAM continues promoting the circulation of Mediterranean audiovisual works. Within this framework, COPEAM has supported the International Festival of TV Programmes devoted to the protection of the Environment and the Cultural…


COPEAM has collaborated to the project “Open Sky Europe” – financed by the European Commission and implemented by UNINETTUNO Telematic University – through a TV spot broadcast by several televisions members of COPEAM: JRTV/Jordan, PBC/Palestine, RAIMED/Italy, ENTV/Algeria, ERTU/Egypt. The spot has also been sent on the Mediterranean Regional News Exchange (ERN-Med).

With the aim of promoting, within the Euro- Mediterranean region, the information concerning
the European Union and its economic, social and cultural relationships with the MEDA countries, the “Open Sky Europe” project proposes an e-learning formula of University Master focused on the topic: the European Culture….

Meeting of the TV programmes’ directors 2007

A television without frontiers : an aspiration, an idea, a project for the future based on concrete actions of the present.
In order to build new Euro-Mediterranean formats able to gather different visions and languages, COPEAM planned an important annual rendezvous.
For the third time in Lecce, in the Framework of its TV commission, COPEAM gathered programs directors from TV organisms associated, in collaboration and with the support of the Mediterranean Cultural Institute, concluding in this way, projects in progress, and enabling to launch new initiatives.
In occasion of this meeting were present the Italian (RAI), the…

COPEAM “ON AIR” A collaboration with SAT2000

In the perspective to create a Euro-Mediterranean channel, COPEAM intends to engage itself more in broadcasting and circulating of audiovisual products produced by its members.
This action is the real strength of its network. This is the reason why COPEAM, since last summer, has started a collaboration with Sat2000, Italian channel by satellite, in order to promote COPEAM’s activities. This cooperation enabled to produce two small formats “The Mediterranean summer” (2 weeks for 2 months-July/August- devoted to the first two editions of COPEAM ‘s University); and “One thousand and one Mediterranean”, weekly rendez-vous, on air from 24th October…


The “Audiovisual Archives” Working Group of COPEAM met in Rome, on the 11th December, with the participation of the following broadcasters: ENRS/Algeria, ENTV/Algeria, HRT/Croatia, INA/France, Rai/Italy,RTV/Slovenia,SNRT/Morocco.

The meeting was essentially devoted to the reorganisation
of the internal structure of the Group, to the re-launch of a project in favour of the TV archives of the South-East European countries and to the evaluation of new activities to be carried out in the radio and TV archives’ sector in the Mediterranean region.

The subjects discussed on this occasion will be developed in the…


COPEAM co-operated to the organisation of the first International Festival of Sound and Image launched by the University of Corsica and held in Porto Vecchio, (23/28 October).

The Festival has deepen different domains: cinema,TV, radio, journalism, cartoons, training and multimedia in both their technical and artistic aspects. Many local organisations such as the University of Corsica, France 3 Corse, Radio Corsica Frequenza Mora, the producers’ association CAP, the cinémathèque régionale have taken part in the Festival, together with other radio-TV broadcasters associated to COPEAM network.

The numerous sessions and viewings have been focused…

Meeting of the TV programmes’ directors 2006

To define the expectations and the needs of broadcastings regarding the international co-production; to promote exchanges among audiovisual professionals: in Lecce (Italy), on last 18 march, during their 4 meeting, the Directors of Programmes of SNRT (Morocco), 2M (Morocco), ENTV (Algeria), RTVA (Andalusia), RAI (Italy), have decided the creation of a working group on the new TV Formats. The mission of the Group will be the analysis of the technological evolutions that can foster the conception of new formats.
The work of the group will take into consideration the concept of territoriality, that has never been completely examined in…