PLURAL+ Awards ceremony 2011

PLURAL+ Awards ceremony announcing the winning videos will be held at the Paley Center for Media in New York City on November 10th 2011.

More info

COPEAM at “Laboratorio intermediterraneo”

COPEAM participated in the "Laboratorio intermediterraneo. L’Altro: ospite o nemico? Testimonianze dal Mediterraneo in lotta" organised by Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” in to different panels:

8 November
Alessandra Paradisi, Secretary General of COPEAM, delivery a lesson about the role of communication in the Euro-med region with a focus on the recent events.

9 November
Loredana Cornero, President of COPEAM Women Commission, delivery a lesson about the role of women and new media during the Arab revolts.

COPEAM at “Women as Agents of Change in the South of the Mediterranean Region” conference

Rome 24-25 october
Sala del Mappamondo – Palazzo Montecitorio

On 25 October, in the framework of the conference “Women as Agents of Change in the South of the Mediterranean Region” organized by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, COPEAM will take part to the round table « The media as instruments for the promotion of the role of women». On this occasion the video “Mimosa and Jasmine” will be showed.

The agenda

COPEAM at Festival of Diplomacy

COPEAM at Festival of Diplomacy
Monday 10th October

– 15.00 – Aula Magna – Liberal Arts Faculty – Roma Tre University: Alessandra Paradisi, COPEAM Secretary General, will take part in the roundtable "Diplomacy in the Era of Internet: the influence of the Web and of the Social Networks on the new Mediterranean uprisen" – organised by IPALMO

– 15.00 – Sala Odeion – Classic Art Museum – Liberal Arts Faculty – La Sapienza University: COPEAM Women Commission at "Women, Diplomacy and Conflicts"

For more info about the Festival

Anna Lindh Mediterranean Journalist Award 2011 – Awarding Ceremony

On Thursday, 6th October will take part the Anna Lindh Mediterranean Journalist Award 2011Awarding Ceremony, hosted in Monaco by Prince Albert II.

More info

COPEAM at Prix Italia 2011

COPEAM will participate in the 63° Edition of the Prix Italia presenting two events:

On September 20th, COPEAM Women Commission will organize a debate focused on the developments in women social and political life further to the Arab spring and on the eve of the Tunisian elections.
More info

On September 21st press conference for the presentation of the project Terramed plus, cofinanced by the European Union, Programme Euromed Audiovisuel III
More info

The schedule of the Prix Italia 2011 events


COPEAM presents in Venice, in the framework of the “XVII CONFERENZA EUROMEDITERRANEA SUL CINEMA”, two new projects:

– Med Agora, the new COPEAM professional social network addressed to the operators of the Euro-Med audiovisual sector.

– Terramed Plus project – co-funded by the EU in the framework of the call for proposals Euromed Audiovisual III – promoting the Mediterranean-focused programmes broadcast by the public TVs of the region, partners of the initiative.

More info on Med Agora

More Info on Terramed Plus

Mediterraid, a contemporary odyssey exploring the digital Mediterranean

Presented by RAI New Media in Cyprus on the occasion of the 18th annual Conference of COPEAM (14 May 2011), Mediterraid is an innovative project which will take place from 1 June to 30 July 2011.
It is an unprecedented and interactive trip on board of an equipped jeep, during which a group of communication professionals will travel through the Mediterranean shores, discovering new languages and digital cultures in the Region.
Meeting and interviews will be organized with institutional and civil society representatives in order to collect accounts on the field regarding the role and use of…