Call for entries PLURAL+ 2012: deadline July 1st

PLURAL+ 2012

Following the success of the last editions, COPEAM supports the 2012 PLURAL+ Video Festival, organised by UNAOC and IOM in cooperation with a wide number of international partners.

By July 1st 2012, young people aged between 9 and 25 are invited to submit short videos expressing their experiences and thoughts on migration, diversity, social inclusion, identity, as well as highlighting realities and ideas for peaceful relations between cultures and religions.

A prestigious international jury will award winners for each of the three…

Capacity development support: new approach and activities presented in Cannes

On May 21st 2012, at the "Pavillon du Cinéma du Monde", the Capacity Development Support Unit (CDSU) of the Euromed Audiovisual III Programme – led by the consortium between GIZ, ASBU, COPEAM, EBU, Deutsche Welle, IMED and ZDF – presented the results of its activities and its innovative approach to some 60 Euro-Mediterranean professionals.
Never practiced before in the region and in the sector, this approach is built around four pillars (People, Organizations, Institutions and Legislation), liaising the proposed integrated activities with principles of Capacity development.

They are the result of different roundtables organized in several…

COPEAM at…”World Press Freedom Day 2012″

The World Press Freedom Day 2012 was celebrated in Tunis, on the occasion of the annual Conference of UNESCO.
COPEAM was invited to this conference participating in the session devoted to the development of the public service broadcasting in transitional times.

The Secretary General Mr. Pier Luigi Malesani, highlighted the importance to establish sure and democratic rules for the governance of the public broadcasters and the transparency of the financing if they are privatized.

Moreover, he underlined the necessity to redefine the relationship between media and citizens, notably by widening citizens’…

COPEAM for… “landing. tribute for migrant humanity”

COPEAM is media partner of the project L’Approdo. Opera all’Umanità Migrante, (“Landing. Tribute for Migrant umanity”). The initiative, raised from an idea of the Istituto di Culture Mediterranee of the Provincia di Lecce, has turned
the Albanian guard ship Kater I Rades into an artistic work dedicated to the migrants lost at sea on the 28th March 1997.
The project coordination was assigned to the Greek sculptor Costas Varotsos, one of the major and internationally renowned contemporary artists.

Many artists from different disciplines have been involved in the project.
Starting from the “Good Friday tragedy”,…

ASBU-COPEAM-EBU tripartite 2011

In the framework of the 31st General Assembly, on 16th December 2011, in Tunis, ASBU hosted the tripartite meeting with COPEAM and EBU.
Considering the events which marked the Mediterranean region in 2011, the participants debated on the strategic actions carried out or to be developed by the three Unions to support the members from the countries in transition.
In addition, a focus was made on the sport rights matter and on its evolution following the debate initiated in Paris at the 17th COPEAM Conference.
The training activities were also discussed during the last trilateral meeting:…

Global exchange workshop

Organized within the 14th UNAOC Forum, a lab-session (Glomex) on the possible creation of a global media exchange took place in Doha, with the participation of COPEAM and other international audiovisual actors.
On that occasion, a memorandum of understanding on “The power of sharing, towards a global cooperation network in non commercial television and audiovisual media” was signed by the representatives of the different organizations involved in the meeting, among which the Secretary General of COPEAM.

2011 Venice International News Conference: Black Gold, Blue Gold…White Gold!

Venice, 25 November 2011

The 2011 edition of VINC, the annual all-news channels meeting organized by COPEAM, Rai-News and Rai Venezia, in collaboration with Eutelsat, was held in Venice (Palazzo Labia), on the 25th November 2011.

This edition was focused on the topic “The 21st century challenges: Black Gold, Blue Gold…White Gold”: a growing number of news operators, distribution platforms and content providers are shaping the new-century global media landscape. In this complex and changing environment, information is a more and more strategic asset, a new kind of “gold” moving both economic and…

COPEAM at “Virtutes Agendae”

Rome, 25 November 2011

"SocialMediterranean region: new technologies, new media, new generation"

Read the programme

Read the agenda