Inter-Rives at “La Festa di Cinema del Reale”
PRESENTATION “La Festa del Cinema del Reale” is an yearly cultural event co-organized by Big Sur, the Associazione Cinema del reale and Officina Visioni to support and develop narratives of the “real” and documentary cinema produced in Italy, in the Mediterranean countries and in the world. On Friday 22 July, Copeam opened the meeting “Filmare il Sud” (Filming South), recounting the Inter-rives’ experience through the voice of the coordinators of the two series, the journalist Sampiero Sanguinetti and the Tunisian Tv Expert Frej Chouchane. Following, there were a public screening of some short documentaries realized within the project in line…
COPEAM at the 43rd ordinary session of the Council of Ministers of Information of the Arab League
Cairo, 23 June 2010 The launch of the project for the Euro-Mediterranean TV channel and the promising results of the cooperation between COPEAM and ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union) were the focus of COPEAM Secretary General’s speech on the occasion of the opening of the 43rd ordinary session of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information, held in Cairo on 23rd June 2010. The necessity of an opening towards the rest of the world and of promoting intercultural dialogue and peace was highlighted, among other matters, by the Arab League Secretary General, Mr. Amr Moussa. In this framework, Ms. Alessandra…
COPEAM at 2010 Summit of the Arab League Ministers of Information
Cairo, 23rd, June 2010
The launch of the Mediterranean TV channel project, the promising results of the cooperation between COPEAM and ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union): two main topics in the COPEAM Secretary General speech at the opening of the 43rd ordinary session of the Council of the Arab Information Ministers.
Many important topics related to the common Arab media action were handled in the debates of the 43rd ordinary session of the Council of the Arab Information Ministers organized in Cairo, on 23rd June 2010.
The Secretary General of the Arab League, Mr….
the Mediterranean channel
Gathered in Paris in the occasion of its 17th Annual Conference, COPEAM rejoiced with the significant reinforcement of the Mediterranean cooperation.
General Assembly of COPEAM has unanimously adopted the call for the creation of the Mediterranean channel a multinational, multilingual Mediterranean television channel, broadcasting throughout the Euro-Mediterranean area, with all countries involved, North and South alike.
A channel that will therefore reflect the Mediterranean identity and diversity.
The call has already gathered a wide consensus among cultural and media sectors’ representatives in the whole Mediterranean area.
MNRA – COPEAM : a new cooperation framework in the regulatory domain
During its 16th General Assembly in Paris, COPEAM signed a Memorandum of Understanding with MNRA, the Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities.
This memorandum seals the relationships established during the last years between these two networks and focuses essentially on the development of a common action related to the third axis of the Strategic Action Plan of the COPEAM adopted in Cairo in April 2009: encouraging the establishment of a shared legal framework in the field of radio and TV broadcast, production and programme protection and supporting the development of a harmonised regulation framework.
ASBU-UER-COPEAM Tripartite 2010
During the last months, the three sister Unions met twice in order to discuss the joint activities carried out in the fields of training and coproduction, as well as the specific projects they develop together: in the framework of ASBU General Assembly, held in Tunis from 16th to 18th December 2009, and during the 17th Conference of COPEAM, which took place from 9th to 11th April 2010 in Paris.
On the occasion of this last meeting, the new EBU Director General, Ms. Ingrid Deltenre, and the President of ASBU, Mr. Riyadh Najm, publicly reaffirmed their engagement…
COPEAM and COPEAM Women Group supports “Women Make the News 2010” UNESCO Campaign
On the occasion of International Women’s Day (8 March), UNESCO join forces with international and regional media organizations to launch the annual Women Make the News (WMN) initiative. Under the theme, “Towards Gender Sensitive Indicators for Media: Best practices for gender perspective in media and in media content”, WMN 2010 is intended to initiate a global exchange on the importance and the need for gender sensitive indicators for media organizations.
For more information about the initiative visit the Women Make the News website
Click here to see all the partners of the initiative
A new Media partnership to support biodiversity
“Diversity for Life” is a global campaign coordinated by Bioversity International to inspire a new appreciation of agricultural biodiversity and to inspire people to become Guardians of Diversityby celebrating the unsung contributions of individual farmers, scientists and others to conserving the diversity of plants and animals that are so critical to food security.
Diversity for Life will culminate in 2010, the International Year of Biodiversity, with a wide range of activities targeting policymakers, schools and the media.
In the framework of “La Settimana della Biodiversità” – the weeklong celebration of biodiversity in music, video and…