Partnership established between FAO and COPEAM, ASBU, CIRTEF
A partnership to fight against hunger
Rome, 16 October 2009
On the occasion of the World Food Day, a partnership was established between FAO and COPEAM,Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), and the International Council of French-Speaking Radio and Television (CIRTEF).
Read moreabout the partnership
Read the press release
About the World Food Day :
Each year, on October 16, FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – organizes the World FoodDay, which commemorates the date of its…
COPEAM’s Women Group @ Prix Italia 2009
COPEAM’s Women Group @ Prix Italia 2009
Turin, 25 September 2009
In the framework of the Prix Italia 2009, COPEAM’s Women Group carries on itsinvolvement in promoting the debate on important issues, such as the representation of women in the media andthe opportunities New Media offer to the Mediterranean women.
After the success of the round table organized in the occasion of "Cartoons on the Bay" festival, the Group proposed a new meeting: " Women between memory and future", that took place at RAI Auditorium in Turin (Italy), last 25th September 2009.
COPEAM and the U.N. Alliance of Civilisations partners for the Plural+ Festival
Since 2009, COPEAM and the U.N. Alliance of Civilisations (UNAOC) have signed a partnership agreement about Plural+ Festival, a youth video festival exploring themes related to migration and diversity organised by UNAOC in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration and other international partners.
This Video Festival aims at recognizing the young peopleas agents of social change and at involving it in addressing questions on migrant integration, inclusiveness, identity, diversity, human rights and social inclusion. In addition to this, by awarding user-made and non-professional products, this initiative represents an interesting opportunity of stimulating young people creativity…
CICT-UNESCO is renewing, COPEAM participated in the General Assembly – Paris – September 22, 2009
Mrs. Lola Poggi Goujon, new Secretary General of the International Council for Film, Television and Audiovisual Communication (CICT-UNESCO), sat for the first timein the General Assembly of the Association thattook place according to aspirit of renewal. In this context, COPEAM and CICT-UNESCOconsidered strengthening their cooperation.
Thus, in a positive climate, Mrs. Poggi Goujon emphasized the role of promoter that CICT wishes to play, resulting in the will of being a project facilitator between its members.She also announced a strategy of strengthening of the relations and of the direct actions with UNESCO, which would provide greater visibility to…
COPEAM at the Think Tank meeting of the Cultural Council of the Union for the Mediterranean
COPEAM at the Think Tank meeting of the Union for the Mediterranean Cultural Council
Paris – September 16, 2009
Member of the Think Tank of the UfM Cultural Council, COPEAM attended the first meeting of this committee of cultural experts of the Mediterranean. On that occasion, in the prestigious premises of the National Assembly, the operating modalities of the Think Tank, its program and its online working toolwere presented.
Renaud Muselier, Chairman of the Cultural Council (formally installedon May 14, 2009), defined this institution as a lever for its members’ projects, in particular willing to offer…
UNESCO International Conference on Broadcast Media and Climate Change
COPEAM Secretary General took part in the session “Making climate knowledge accessible: Networks and available resources” of the "Broadcast & Climate Change" UNESCOConference.
The session was focused on the opportunities that international partnerships and exchanges can create for broadcasters to improve their capacity of delivering information about climate and environment. Participants presented their experience in this area and outlined the possibility of sharing relevant contacts, knowledge, and rights free content on climate change.
See the Conference programme
Watch the Conference webcast page
Med-Mem project presented at Medigital Conference
After Cairo Conference, la Secretary General of COPEAM has been invited to an international Conference on the evolution of the Euro-Mediterranean audiovisual sector, organized in Rome from the 21st to the 23rd April by Regione Lazio, member of the Association, under the patronage of the EU Commissioner Viviane Reding, in charge of Media and Information Society.
This participation – in the framework of the panel « Europe – Mediterranean : the meeting » – has constituted the opportunity to present to the attending professionals the action COPEAM carries out in this domain and show, as a…
COPEAM reinforces and strengthens its cooperation with the Anna Lindh Foundation
COPEAM and the Anna Lindh Foundation have renewed their cooperation agreement at the annual Conference of COPEAM in Cairo, last April. Being concretised through the collaboration already started on the organization of the Mediterranean Journalistic Award of, this partnership will focus on structuring projects in the cultural and the audiovisual sectors.
The Foundation, presided by Mr. André Azoulay, validated at the beginning of the current year its 2009-2011 Strategic Plan, in which the Media play a predominant role.
In this regard, in his speech during COPEAM conference, Andreu Claret, new Executive Director of the ALF,…
COPEAM partner of the Anna Lindh Foundation for the Mediterranean Journalist Award
The Anna Lindh Mediterranean Journalist Award aims at promoting the positive role that could be played by TV, radio and press journalists in creating a shared space of free and reliable information and opinion. The competition is organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation in media-partnership with COPEAM.
More info about the Anna Lindh Foundation
COPEAM for Mediterranean Journalist Award 2012
Berlin 18 October 2012
COPEAM, as media partner of the Mediterranean Journalist Award and member of the international Jury, took part in the selection of the winning works…