2009 Forumédia

COPEAM has been invited by Euromed Management, specialisation school for young graduates, to take part in the 3rd edition of Forumédia : “The values and models of televisionsin the all digital era”. An assorted parterre has allowed to debate this issue from the technological, economical and social points of view.

The Secretary General has put forward the central role of the public service in the new digital landscape despite the has-been image that is often related to it in the audiences’ imaginary and specially in the young’s one.
Any prediction by experts regarding the…

Two COPEAM projects selected in the framework of the “Media and Diversity” Study

Inter-Rives” co-production and the University of COPEAM have been selected and included in the 150 most significant and innovative initiatives – identified all across Europe – by, or about, the media that counter discrimination and promote diversity.
This, in the framework of the study on “Media & Diversity” – commissioned by the E.C. and conducted by an independent consortium comprising the International Federation of Journalists, Internews Europe and the Media Diversity Institute – whose findings and recommendations will be published in may 2009.
This pan-European study covers 27 EU Member States and 3 EFTA countries and…


The 2009 edition of the BakaFORUM, annual rendezvous and meeting point of educational and social-oriented televisions and media, has been held in Basel (Switzerland) from the 30th January until the 2nd February 2009.
Aside the BakaFORUM films and programmes’ contest, this edition has been devoted to special screenings, workshops and different sessions around outstanding TV programmes and projects dealing with climate changes, water, conflicts, economy and integration, sustainable development.

Within the “Excellence in Global Collection” cooperation workshop, representatives of public and private broadcasters and independent producers from different European countries, as well as from…

ASBU-COPEAM-EBU Tripartite Meeting 2009

During the 28th General Assembly of ASBU, in January 2009, the tripartite ASBU-COPEAM-EBU meeting has been held in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia).
The meeting agenda also included, among the political activities jointly carried out by the three Unions, the follow-up of the action launched in 2008 towards the European Institutions in favour of EUROMED Audiovisual Programme continuance. On this subject, the conclusions of the closing meeting of the Programme 2nd phase (Cairo, November 2009) have been reported, with a special focus on the possible launch, by the E.C., of the 3rd phase in 2009.
In the training…

COPEAM in the Final Regional EUROMED Audiovisual II Conference

The regional closing Conference of Euromed Audiovisual II Programme was held in Cairo on 10th and 11th November 2008. it was aimed at drawing an assessment of 3-year activity and at thinking over the future prospects of the audiovisual cooperation between the North and South of the Mediterranean. About 120 delegates from both Mediterranean shores have participated in this event.

COPEAM and EBU have taken the floor during the session devoted to “the rebirth of the Mediterranean Audiovisual”.
In that occasion, the Secretary General has underlined that COPEAM had become, since its foundation in 1996,…

Looking for a new TV format : the first contest launched by SAT2000

“Let’s change the programme”: this is the name of the contest that the satellite channel Sat2000 has launched to find out new ideas for TV programmes. The contest has taken place during the whole year through the presentation of formats by young non-professional authors, in the framework of SAT2000 show called “Il Grande Talk”. On the 6th of June 2008, the winners of both “Entertainment” and “Public Service” sections have been awarded: for them, the production of an international promo of their own formats. COPEAM has been asked to be member of the international Jury charged of selecting the best…

COPEAM and EBU reinforce their cooperation relationships with the Arab League

COPEAM and EBU have taken part for the second consecutive year – also thanks to the fruitful collaboration developed with ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union) – in the opening session of the Information Ministers’ Council of the Arab League’s countries, that has been held in Cairo on the 19 June, 2008.

"Arab League, Cairo 19-06-08

Mr. Chairman,
Honorable Ministers,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear Colleagues and Friends,

Participating again in such a high level meeting is at the same time a great…

Meetings of the Mediterranean and IPEMed Networks Meeting

On the 12th and 13th of June, more than two hundred experts, businesspeople and directors of professional networks from both sides of the Mediterranean, among which COPEAM, came to Barcelona for a debate, organised by IEMed (European Institute for the Mediterranean) and IPEMed, to discuss Euro-Mediterranean projects regarding the sectors of energy, finance, water and agriculture.
Three main objectives have thus been pursued and achieved on this occasion : introducing COPEAM’s network and projects to the industries and private sectors, exploring the possibilities of partnership (especially with IPEMed) and deepening its panoramic vision of the Mediterranean environment in which…

VINC, the international all-news channels meeting 2008

The 2008 edition of the VINC, the all-news channels meeting, organised by COPEAM and RaiNews24, in collaboration with Eutelsat and the local institutions of Venice, will be held as an event in the framework of Eutelsat’s Sat Expo Europe (information and communication technologies international expo (Info: http://www.satexpo.it/en), that will take place in Rome, from 27th to 29th of March.

The meeting will take place on 29th March and will be focused on the topic “Migrations and new intercultural audiences: the role of information by satellite”.

The satellite technologies, on one hand, and…