A “call to action” addressed to the media representatives: this has been the pillar of the meeting “Racism Xenophobia and the Media: towards respect and understanding of all religions and cultures” organised by the European Commission (in the framework of the EUROMED Partnership), the EUMC – European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia and the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and held in Vienna (Austria) on the 22 – 23 May 2006. “All parts of every society have a responsibility to act against racism and xenophobia. But the media have a particularly crucial role to play, given their power to…

EUROMED AUDIOVISUAL II The operational phase

In the framework of the setting up of Euromed Audiovisual II, the first meeting of the European Commission – represented by the EUROPEAID Cooperation Office and the EU Delegation in Morocco – and the programme contractors has been held in Rabat, from 9th to 11th March.
The 12 projects selected following the Call for Proposals have been introduced to the E.C. representatives: 7 training projects, 5 founding projects aimed respectively at supporting the distribution and exhibition of both European and Mediterranean films (1), the development
(2) and the promotion (2) of the Mediterranean cinema.

VINC, the international all-news channels meeting 2006

Following the success of the meeting of Venice (12th February 2005), where representatives of
the Arab and western media focused the discussion on different problematic issues dealing with
war reporting, the second meeting of the international all-news channels has been organised in Turin (Italy), on the 18th February, by COPEAM and RAI News 24, with the support of Eutelsat,
official Sponsor of the Olympic Games, and devoted to the topic: “Two-speed information.
All-news channels between non-stop news and journalism of investigation”.
This year the representatives of Al Jazeera, Bbc, CNN,…

COPEAM AT WEMF World Electronic Media Forum

The first World Electronic Media Forum – WEMF (Geneva – Swiss, December 2003), affirmed
the vital importance of radio and television in the Information Society. WEMF II (Tunis, November
2005) did built on this affirmation through focused discussions on the role of the electronic media in the digital age – for example in achieving the Millennium Development Goals, in guaranteeing cultural diversity, in preserving audiovisual archives or in promoting Journalists Safety in zones of conflict.
Broadcasters, academics and decision makers from around the globe discussed these and other issues before submitting their conclusions to…


Ten years after the Barcelona Declaration, the European Commission, the City of Marseille and their partners proposed to hold a conference, where professionals from the audiovisual domain from both sides of the Mediterranean basin could discuss the role of the media in Euro-Mediterranean dialogue. This conference has taken place within the framework of a series of three major events focusing on
this subject in Jordan, Marseille and Barcelona.
Their findings have been presented to the Heads of States and Government at the Barcelona Summit of November 2005.
The four round tables were focused on…

COPEAM AT THE EUROMED SUMMIT 10th Anniversary of the Barcelona Process

Aimed at taking stock of the results of ten years of Euromed Partnership and at re-launching it, the Barcelona Summit 2005 established a Five-Years Action Plan involving 4 major working areas.
Within the Chapter “Sustainable Socio-Economic Development and Reform” it is envisaged to “Design and implement a road map, for the creation of a Free Trade Area by 2010”. This Euro- Mediterranean Free Trade Area (EMFTA) will become the world’s biggest free trade area from
Scandinavia to Morocco and from Island to Syria involving 600-800 million consumers and all
kinds of goods by 2010….

30th ANNIVERSARY OF UNEP/MAP Environment and media

On June 2005, the United Nations Programme for the Environment / Mediterranean Action Plan
(UNEP/MAP) celebrated in Rome, within the charming context of Villa Piccolomini, its 30th
anniversary. For this occasion, many initiatives have been organised during the event – international
meetings, video projections, etc. – all devoted to ecological and environmental topics.
COPEAM has given its contribution to this initiative at different levels, confirming its role of promoter
of cultural interactions within the Mediterranean basin, following the spirit of cooperation that inspired its By-Laws and activities since itsorigins, and…


The Representation of the European Commission in Spain organised, the 30th June and the 1st July 2005 in Madrid, in collaboration with the European Parliament, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affaires and of Cooperation and other international organisations and associations – among which, the Charter of the Mediterranean and the Foundation of the Three Cultures – a working seminar concerning the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.
The meeting – that marks the first step of a wider programme of initiatives envisaged until next November and conceived for the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Barcelona Process –


The participants in this meeting, focused on the topic “Recognizing the Other”, who met on the 17th and 18th June 2005 in Seville on the invitation of the Foundation of the Three Cultures – promoter of the event together with COPEAM and CICC – have drawn up a final document where they point out the importance of relaunching the Barcelona Process and, in particular, the necessity of carrying on the engagement for the defence of the “culture Chapter” as an essential element for the development of the EUROMED Partnership.
In particular, considering the new multiethnic and multicultural pattern…