COPEAM at the 75th edition of Prix Italia
Bari, 2-6 October 2023
Over 250 programmes in competition with an extraordinary participation of more than 80 broadcasters from all continents responding to the call for entries for the Radio & Podcast, TV and Digital sections.
The 75th Prix Italia Festival, held in Bari from 2 to 6 October with the title “Engage Me”, has offered again this year a unique panorama of quality productions, as well as the trends and innovations of broadcasters from all over the world.
In this framework, COPEAM Secretary General Claudio Cappon took part in a panel focused…

Rai Cinema – COPEAM collaboration confimed for 2024
The collaboration between Rai Cinema and COPEAM has been renewed for 2024. The partnership is aimed to support “A Première Vue” Prize, by awarding a “Rai Cinema special prize” to one of the short films in competition (through the purchase of the rights and the publication of the winning short film on Rai Cinema’s online channel) and to promote actions in favour of the young talents of the Mediterranean cinema.

A première vue 2023 Awards Ceremony
July 5, 2023
À PREMIÈRE VUE 2023 awards ceremony took place on July 5 as part of the 34th edition of FIDMarseille, a festival that supports the first films and accompanies students’ films and visual art.
Hosted in the auditorium of the Mucem – Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations, the awards ceremony for the three winners was followed by the screening of a selection of short films in the presence of a large audience.
This 2nd edition of the prize was made possible thanks to the commitment of the partners TV5MONDE, Rai Cinema,…

2023 UNESCO World Radio Day: Radio and Peace
On the occasion of the World Radio Day 2023, as a member of the Organizing Committee set up by UNESCO, COPEAM renewed its involvement in promoting the event among its members, in particular by the co-production of special programs for the weekly radio magazines Kantara and Mediterradio.
This edition – devoted to the theme “Radio and Peace” – was also an opportunity to record a new issue of Mezzé, the online meeting with the Mediterranean press, and to underline the natural ability of radio to promote dialogue between peoples. Mr. Tawfik Jelassi, Assistant Director-General for Communication…

Audiovisual cooperation with the regional broadcasting Unions
Tunis, 12 January 2023
The traditional ASBU-EBU-COPEAM trilateral meeting has been gradually expanding in the recent years, to the point of becoming, in 2023, a real summit of the major media Unions and Associations of the world.
In fact, last January in Tunis, in the framework of the 42nd General Assembly of ASBU-Arab States Broadcasting Union, four additional Organizations – ABU, AIBD, AUB and OSBO – joined the Arab, European and Euro-Mediterranean networks to discuss around audiovisual cooperation on a large scale.
The meeting thus offered to the participants the opportunity to broaden their…

RAI, COPEAM and ASBU together for audiovisual archives
From 14 to 17 December 2022, a training workshop on the digitization of AV archives brought together in Rome around twenty managers and technical experts from public broadcasters of the Balkans and the MENA region: HRT/Croatia, RTCG/Montenegro, RTK/Kosovo, MKRTV/North Macedonia, BNT/Bulgaria, PBS/Malta, RTSH/Albania, PBC/Palestine, Télévision Tunisienne/Tunisia, TVR/Romania, EPTV/Algeria, Libya Sports Channels/Libya.
The event was organized by Rai with the support of COPEAM and ASBU. Participants could benefit from the expertise of professionals coming from different RAI’s departments, namely the Centre for Research, Technological Innovation and Experimentation – CRITS, Rai “Teche” (archives) department and Rai ICT.

COPEAM & TAL: the Mediterranean encounters Latin America
Since September 2019, when the partnership agreement between COPEAM and TAL – the Union of public and cultural channels of Latin America – was signed, mutual involvement initiatives between the two networks have not stopped multiplying. Participations in TV co-productions, in communication campaigns and in the respective events have become regular appointments in the last three years.
Among them, the TAL Awards, celebrating this year their 10th edition, and to which COPEAM has been taking part, for two years now, as a Jury member. A new and exciting experience to bring two distant…

Preserving biodiversity – A new webinar for journalists about environmental issues
30 November 2022
COPEAM and its partner ICO Solutions continue to support the work of journalists in reporting about environmental and climate related issues. On November 30, a webinar was co-organized around biodiversity challenges in view of the 2022 U.N. Biodiversity Conference (COP15), taking place in Canada in December. The whole COPEAM network of journalists – and beyond – interested in these topics were invited to the webinar and had the possibility to interact with experts and scientists and share experiences and practices on these issues.
The webinar recorded 43 registrations from 18 different nationalities, including…

COPEAM & the Union for the Mediterranean
The cooperation links with this intergovernmental body have been further consolidated in the recent months.
In the framework of the 5th High-Level Conference on Women for the Mediterranean, held in Madrid on 26 and 27 October, COPEAM contributed to the panel devoted to “Media and Gender Equality”, through the participation of experts from our network, who – together with other outstanding speakers – critically questioned the role of the media industry in creating gender values and the misrepresentation of women in media content.
On that occasion, the Ministers in charge of gender equality…