COPEAM and Anna Lindh Foundation partners for cooperation
COPEAM has just renewed the partnership agreement with the Anna Lindh Foundation for the dialogue between cultures, which lies upon new cooperation lines. Besides the 9th edition of the Journalist Mediterranean Prize, in 2015 counting COPEAM again as a Jury member and media partner, the two Organisations will collaborate: for the preparation of the 3rd Mediterranean Forum of the ALF to be held at the end of 2016 in Malta – in this framework, COPEAM will ensure a media campaign accompanying the various preliminary steps of the event; in further communication actions mostly devoted to the young; in…
COPEAM with UNHCR for the World Refugee Day
In the framework of COPEAM annual Conference in Malta (26-28 March 2015) – focused on the theme “The Mediterranean and the exodus of populations: the role of the media” – COPEAM and all its members attending the event unanimously adopted a resolution aimed at mobilizing the media, notably the public service ones, around principles and concrete proposals, such as the realization of a TV and radio institutional promo so as to raise public awareness at a regional level on the phenomena related to refugees.
Building on this resolution and with a view to the World Refugee Day…
Towards a National Policy on Gender Equality in Tunisian Media
Tunis, 3-4 June 2015 COPEAM was invited to take part in the consultation meeting held in Tunis on 3 and 4 June 2015, in the framework of the EC project “Medmedia – Towards Media Sector Reform in the Southern Mediterranean Region”. The meeting gathered representatives of Tunisian broadcasters, the SNJT (Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens), the HAICA (Haute autorité indépendante de la Communication audiovisuelle), the UNESCO and the Council of Europe and dealt with gender equality policies in Tunisian media. After two-day exchanges and debates between the attending stakeholders, a number of recommendations were drafted and shared by…
Musical Coulours
COPEAM made an agreement with the Radios Francophones Publiques (RFP) aimed at offering to its members, free of rights, the radio series Musical Colours. This series, composed of de 20 episodes, was coproduced by 11 radios associated to the RFP and CIRTEF. It is dedicated to the new talents of the contemporary music from French-speaking countries of Europe, of Sub-Saharian Africa, of Asia and of North America. The call for broadcast that has been just launched constitutes the first step of a collaboration completing the action started by COPEAM Radio Commission and intended to promote the most talented of the…
COPEAM at the AMARC workshop on the challenges of the audiovisual regulation
Tunis, 23 March 2015
Thanks to the AMARC invitation (Association Mondiale des Radios Communautaires), the Secretary General of COPEAM was one of the speakers at the workshop « Regulation in the Maghreb and the Mashrek. The challenges », which took place in Tunis on the 23 March.This study day was the occasion to make an assessment of the regulation trends and the co-regulation mechanisms in the Mediterranean basin, in Europe and in Sub-Saharan Africa, specially in the countries engaged in democratic transition. It also represented an exchange opportunity for the regulatory authorities from Maghreb and Mashrek, the representatives of public media, of the…
GAMAG/UNESCO launches a call for a global gender and media agenda
The Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG)was created on the occasion of the UNESCO Global Forum on Media and Gender, held in Bangkok from 2 to 4 December 2013 with the aim of achieving gender equality in media systems, both at structures and contents levels.
The GAMAG brings together over 500 organisations and networks concerned with gender equality in and through the media across the globe. COPEAM has been elected as a member of the International Steering Committee (ISC) of the Alliance which met for the first time in Geneva, on 6 November 2014. As member of this Committee, COPEAM took part to this…
COPEAM for 2014 Mediterranean Journalist Award
London, 15 October 2014
COPEAM renews its media partnership with the Anna Lindh Foundation in the framework of the 8th edition of the Mediterranean Journalist Award, aimed at recognizing the positive role played by the media in reporting on issues of cultural diversity and providing balanced information on such subjects.
COPEAM is also part, as it was in the past editions, of the international Jury in charge of the selection of the works in competition.
The preselected journalists was invited to the awarding ceremony which took place at the Thomson Reuters Foundation premises in London, on 15 October…
COPEAM for… “Refugees Stories: Glances from the South”
Turin – 20 September 2014
Audiovisual showcase and debate – COPEAM honorary Prize
66th edition of Prix Italia
In the framework of its 66th edition and in cooperation with COPEAM, Prix Italia organizes a round table around the topic of the refugees. Aware of the relevance of this phenomenon, Prix Italia has opened its doors to COPEAM network and to the audiovisual operators from the South, in order to collect short films, clips and documentaries/reportages focused on this issue.
COPEAM will confer an honorary prize to the best work for both the message conveyed and the video quality….
COPEAM at 2014 UNESCO World Press Freedom Day
Paris, 5 May 2014
Last May, in the framework of the 2014 UNESCO World Press Freedom Day, COPEAM took part in a round-table focusing on the Transition to Public Service Media in the Southern Mediterranean, devoted to the contribution of the national media to fostering democracy, diversity and progress in society and to their transition to public service broadcasters as a major challenge.
In this session, COPEAM was invited to highlight some examples in terms of contents, presenting TV coproduction models and gender-related initiatives developed in cooperation with both North and South Mediterranean public broadcasters.On the same occasion, the…