“Film music” master class with Jean-Michel Bernard
3 March 2021
In partnership with the Cinema & Music Film Festival of La Baule and thanks to the support of CoopMed des Nuits Méditerranéennes, COPEAM has organized an online master class around the theme of film music addressing the cinema schools members of the network: ALBA (Lebanon), ESAV/Marrakech (Morocco) and ESAC (Tunis).
About forty students had the opportunity to exchange and share with Jean-Michel Bernard, a composer with a rich career who has worked with the greatest French and international directors (Scorsese, Gondry, etc. ). A masterclass to be found on the COPEAM YouTube page:…

ICO Solutions – #WEBINAIRE: “Media and environment: witnessing the challenges and solutions in the Mediterranean”
As part of the ICO Solutions’ event dedicated to the major issues related to islands, coasts and oceans preservation, the organizers and COPEAM offered a unique webinar for Mediterranean journalists, in order to discuss the links between the media and environmental actors. A dialogue involving 12 COPEAM’s broadcasters and 9 additional organizations to strengthen knowledge, skills and mutual networks related to challenges of biodiversity and island resilience, ecological restoration, relationship between biodiversity and industry, or even environmental journalism practices.
Webinar to be found at this address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhbE4Rhbyz0
Programme :
- Session 1: Resilience and island biodiversity

Participative training on Gender Equality in the Media
COPEAM developed a new training activity funded by the Council of Europe through the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, with the aim of covering the topic of sexist stereotypes and gender equality in the Media in both Europe and South-Mediterranean countries.
The training was structured as follows:
A training module composed of 5 biweekly sessions on different aspects of the gender-media-equality relation:
- Women and leadership in media industries
- Gender representation in media contents
- Violence against women journalists
- Gender-sensitive media policies
- Gendered journalism cultures
This module was…

A new training opportunity for journalists: “Reporting climate change” e-learning course
Since 2015 COPEAM, with the support of the EIB – European Investment Bank, organizes annual international activities open to TV, radio and press journalists on the topic of climate change and sustainable development. These initiatives are aimed at reinforcing the journalists’ knowledge and professional skills and thus at promoting a quality information about climate and environment.
This year, COPEAM and the EIB launch an international e-learning course: “Reporting Climate Change”. This training opportunity is open to young journalists operating in the MENA and Balkan regions.
To produce and deliver this training course, COPEAM…

COPEAM et BEI en Jordanie pour un atelier international de journalisme sur le changement climatique et le développement durable
Amman, 19-21 novembre 2019
Avec le soutien de la Banque Européenne d’Investissement (BEI), la COPEAM a organisé à Amman (Jordanie) un atelier international de formation pour journalistes de la radio et de la télévision sur «Les défis climatiques et le développement durable dans la région méditerranéenne», dans le but de donner une plus grande visibilité médiatique aux défis du changement climatique dans la région.
H.E. Maria Hadjitheodosiou, Ambassadrice de l’Union européenne en Jordanie, a ouvert l’atelier qui s’est tenu du 19 au 21 novembre au siège du Jordan Media Institute. Pendant 3 jours, des experts du domaine scientifique…

COPEAM-BEI transnational newsroom at COP24
Katowice, 11-14 December 2018
For the second year, thanks once again to the support of the EIB-European Investment Bank, COPEAM has set up a transnational newsroom to cover the World Summit on Climate Change (COP24), which took place in Poland, Katowice, from 3 to 14 December 2018.
During the last 4 days of this event, 7 journalists from Palestine, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan’s public televisions – with the support of international experts and of a technical team – were producing news reports about negotiations, national commitments, adaptation and mitigation plans, green projects funding, education on…

International training/production workshop on cultural journalism
Rome/Perugia (Italy), 3-7 December 2018
With the aim to reinforce the skills of journalists from the Maghreb and Balkans TV members of COPEAM on cultural journalism, RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana organized, in collaboration with COPEAM and in partnership with ASBU, a 5-day workshop in Italy, between Rome and Perugia, from 3 to 7 December 2018.
The workshop, allying theoretical training and practical exercises and relying on the competences and experience of journalists and directors working in this field, aimed at:
- Raising beneficiaries’ awareness on the strategic importance of cultural and artistic promotion on…

A peer-to-peer exchange on public service broadcasting
Tunis, 23-24 April 2018
COPEAM and the EU-funded MedMedia project organised a 2-day final workshop involving the South-Med national broadcasters on “Standards and principles of the public service mission”.
Held in Tunis last April, the event marked the end of a four-year peer-to-peer multilateral exchange and capacity-building programme addressed to the managers and executives coming from COPEAM broadcasting members.
During this closing workshop, the delegates of 7 public broadcasters – including Soread-2M in Morocco, the Algerian EPTV and EPRS, the Tunisian public TV and radio, Al Mamlaka TV in Jordan, Radio Liban – devised…

A new strategic partnership to promote the TV series sector development
On 1st December 2017, the FIEST – International training for TV series writing – project started officially. A partnership composed of COPEAM, the international university Uninettuno (Italy), France Télévisions and 5 cinema and audiovisual schools – ALBA (Lebanon), ESAV (Morocco), INSAS (Belgium), ESAV Toulouse (France) and ESAC (Tunisia) – submitted a proposal in the framework of the EU Erasmus+ programme (“Strategic partnerships for higher education” chapter) aimed at setting up a pilot training in the field of TV series writing.
In the recent years, the TV series genre has been rapidly expanding. The global…