UNESCO and COPEAM again together for gender equality promotion in the media

In January 2013, COPEAM organized, in cooperation with the UNESCO Regional Office in Rabat, a two-day workshop addressed to the SNRT focused on the representation of women in the media.
This was the first step in a longer-term project, that will involve also other broadcaster members of COPEAM.

The Rabat workshop – which was attended by representatives from different departments of the Moroccan broadcaster and from HACA (High Authority for Audiovisual Communication of Morocco) – was coordinated by UNESCO and COPEAM and focused on the critical analysis and adaptation of the “Indicators of Genres for Media” within SNRT. This preparatory…

Internet as a participative tool for the young people of the Adriatic region

COPEAM was invited by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia (Italy) – international relations and cooperation branch “Reggio nel Mondo” – to participate in the event “Brain runner. Internet, multimedia re-use and participative culture” organized from the 20th to the 28th April in Reggio Emilia. This event was focused on innovation and new cross-media languages in the education and information fields, in the organization of citizen services and in the territory governance. In this framework, COPEAM was asked to coordinate the two-day workshop “Mind the differences” (27-28 April), representing the final step of a project carried out…

Balkans’ Memory – Preserving and Promoting Audiovisual Heritage

Balcans’ Memory project, co-funded by the European Commission, aims at implementing in the Western Balkans the first steps of an ambitious policy of preservation and promotion of audiovisual heritage and to promote the dissemination of good practices and know-how and strengthen the skills of the professionals working in archive centers and broadcasters of the area.

COPEAM-IFAD “Regional Capacity Building in Effective Communication” workshop

Rome, 17-19 December 2012 A more effective communication at the service of development projects: this was the focus of the training workshop organized in Rome (17-19 December 2012) by COPEAM and funded by IFAD, the United Nations agency devoted to agricultural development and poverty reduction. The goal of the three-day course was that of strengthening the skills of the participants – 20 project officers from Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Bosnia and Herzegovina – in the strategic communication and relations with the media, with the aim of increasing visibility of development and cooperation issues…

COPEAM at the ASBU-TC Strategic Training Committee

Tunis, 27-28 September 2011 The 7th meeting of the ASBU-TC Strategic Training Committee took place in Tunis last September. Mr. Maaoui, ASBU Director General, and Mr. Qadi Amin, ASBU Training Centre Director, opened the meeting and evaluated the 2011 training programme. Concerning the next year agenda, different guidelines have been set such as the development of extraterritorial and sub-regional training courses; the strengthening of the training activities through MENOS network for the setting up of Distance Training Interactive courses; the cooperation with the international organisations, such as COPEAM, EBU and CFI, besides all attending the meeting. Starting from the results…


Digital revolution, Internet, interactivity, DTT, social media: nowadays the media landscape is experiencing changes that make journalists question their role in this new multimedia environment. The training project “Ulysse 2.0 – network, network journalism and Internet”, developed by Canal France International, COPEAM, Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille and the Moroccan channel Soread – 2M, intended to address this challenge. 11 young journalists from 2M/Morocco, EPTV and EPRS/Algeria, Nawaat.org/Tunisia, JRTV/Jordan, PBC/Palestinian Territories, TRT/Turkey, SRR/Romania and HRT/Croatia, participated in “Ulysse 2.0” that was structured into two steps. The Montpellier workshop (28 Feb. – 5 March 2011) was devoted to the presentation,…

A COPEAM-UNESCO partnership for the journalism training

COPEAM project “South-Mediterranean public TV journalism training needs – survey and workshop” has been selected by the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) of UNESCO and aims at reinforcing the capacity of media and of the training centres focused on journalism and audiovisual communication.

The objective of COPEAM project is to contribute to the conception of an adequate journalism training strategy mainly based on the information sharing between the media professionals and the representatives of the training centres in the field of journalism and of the audiovisual communication in…

The format box

On the occasion of its 17th annual Conference in Paris, COPEAM presented the Arabic version of the book « The format Box » in the author's presence, the Italian renowned TV expert and programmes writer Paolo Taggi.
The book, published in collaboration with Rai, consists in the translation of La scatola dei format (Rai Eri, Roma 2009), an innovative work offering new writing methods of TV Formats.

Paolo Taggi explained the idea and the purpose of his book affirming that, starting from the analysis of the profound mechanisms of the worldwide most successful current formats,…

2009 COPEAM-ASBU training projects

Last 2-3 October, the 2009 meeting of the ASBU Training Centre Consultative Committee was held in Damascus. The Director General of ASBU, Mr. Salaheddine Maaoui, and the Director of the Centre, Mr. Taleb Kadi Amin, have welcomed some representatives of ASBU broadcaster members’ training departments and international partners such as COPEAM, EBU, CFI, and Deutsche Welle Akademie.
The delegation has been received by the Syrian Minister of Information, Dr. Mohsen Bilal, the Director General of the Syrian Radio and Television Corporation, Dr. Mumtaz Al-Shaykh, and the Directors of the TV and the Radio. The Minister has stressed the importance…