Project co-funded by the European Commission
A new project for the audiovisual memory of the Balkans
Balcans’ Memory project, co-funded by the European Commission, aims at implementing in the Western Balkans the first steps of an ambitious policy of preservation and promotion of audiovisual heritage and to promote the dissemination of good practices and know-how and strengthen the skills of the professionals working in archive centers and broadcasters of the area.
Led by Ina through its center for expertise in media and digital contents, Ina EXPERT, in partnership with the Croatian audiovisual
centre, the National Film Archive of Albania and
COPEAM, the project is composed of preparatory actions whose aim is to raise awareness among decision-makers of the Western Balkans on the necessity to invest in the preservation, digitization, use and management of their cinematographic and audiovisual heritage.
It will target 3 levels of stakeholders – decision-makers, heads of archives and professionals – at local and regional scale and intends to create the preliminary conditions to encourage the preservation, digitization and use of audiovisual heritage in the Western Balkans:
• In raising awareness among decision-makers and funding agencies on the historical, cultural, educational, and economical value of the archives
• In providing archive managers with knowledge and methodology to digitize and manage audiovisual contents
• In strengthening capacities of professionals working in the field of audiovisual heritage.
Balkans' Memory_leaflet