On May 21st 2012, at the "Pavillon du Cinéma du Monde", the Capacity Development Support Unit (CDSU) of the Euromed Audiovisual III Programme – led by the consortium between GIZ, ASBU, COPEAM, EBU, Deutsche Welle, IMED and ZDF - presented the results of its activities and its innovative approach to some 60 Euro-Mediterranean professionals.
Never practiced before in the region and in the sector, this approach is built around four pillars (People, Organizations, Institutions and Legislation), liaising the proposed integrated activities with principles of Capacity development.
They are the result of different roundtables organized in several Med-Southern countries during the last months - Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Palestine, Morocco – meant to accomplish the following steps:
- Creation of a regional market for potential investors - Regional hub
- Facilitation of the admission of Arab films on regional markets
- Support the establishment of South-South regional funds
- Fostering vocational capacities in the audiovisual sector
- Relocation of the film culture in educational systems
Such process should lead to a modern audio-visual production aimed at strengthening a regional South-South identity, reflecting diversity, in the partner countries of the Southern Mediterranean.
In the same occasion, CDSU launched a study on financing tools for film and audiovisual productions in the South Mediterranean region. It describes more than 20 types of funding, comprising subsidies, tax incentives, co-production, pre-sales, investment, and crowd-funding.
The survey aims to help producers plan a financing strategy for their projects and decision-makers to develop their funding systems, in the overall framework of support to production, co-production and funding mechanisms in the region.