COPEAM and the U.N. Alliance of Civilisations partners for the Plural+ Festival

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PLURAL+ 2011

In the framework of the partnership with the Alliance of Civilisations of the United Nations (UNAOC) related to the 2010 edition of Plural+ Festival, the video awarded with COPEAM Special Prize - “Color Café” - was presented during the annual Conference of Cyprus, last May.

Pierre Martin, coordinator of the Belgian “Coup2Pouce – The TV programme realised by young people”, was invited to Cyprus to illustrate the project, which consisted in tutorship of two 14-year old trainees in conceiving and producing this short video focused on racism and intercultural issues.

Here the motivation for COPEAM choice:

Color café” has impressed us for its powerful simplicity: by employing black-and-white together with a number of symbols and by sketching some basic social schemes and dynamics, it is able to play on the so called “shock of civilisations”. And this, with a pinch of irony and an effective final message.
From the technical point of view, this Belgian young video-maker has carried out a quite complex and original work that evokes the atmosphere of the '60s European TV commercials. This mix of communication and technical capacity makes this short video a very interesting example of what can be done so to convey important contents through a light, no-frills and effective audiovisual language.

The young director declared about his presence at COPEAM Conference: “A rich reflection is carried out here about some issues that I wonder about: which message to address to whom, which minorities are represented in the media, whether minorities are behind media or out of the business, etc. I think this kind of questions should be more discussed.”

The COPEAM-UNAOC cooperation about Plural+ video Festival will continue also for the 2011 edition (Award ceremony:10th November 2011, New York).

A prestigious international jury will select the winners in the three age categories (9-12, 13-17, 18-25). Each winner will be invited to New York to participate in the Awards Ceremony at the Paley Center for Media on 10th November 2011.

COPEAM will deliver a Special Prize to one of the participating videos on the basis of its capacity to promote the inter-cultural dialogue in an innovative way.