COPEAM at the 43rd ordinary session of the Council of Ministers of Information of the Arab League

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Cairo, 23 June 2010 The launch of the project for the Euro-Mediterranean TV channel and the promising results of the cooperation between COPEAM and ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union) were the focus of COPEAM Secretary General’s speech on the occasion of the opening of the 43rd ordinary session of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information, held in Cairo on 23rd June 2010. The necessity of an opening towards the rest of the world and of promoting intercultural dialogue and peace was highlighted, among other matters, by the Arab League Secretary General, Mr. Amr Moussa. In this framework, Ms. Alessandra Paradisi, invited to this summit for the third time, addressed a speech highlighting the strong relations between COPEAM and ASBU as well as the results of their successful cooperation. Moreover, she underlined the important role of those who, on the two shores of the Mediterranean, support peace and bet on opening towards diversity, whilst all the obstacles hampering the development of cooperation. Ms. Paradisi also pointed out that “welcoming the other does not mean the end of national history, but the beginning of the rebirth of the whole region”. She also informed the Ministers about the launch of the Euro-Mediterranean television channel, differing from the others owing to, according to Ms. Paradisi, its cross-cutting point of view and its “Made in Mediterranean” label, that would be spread all over the world as an answer to the challenges of globalization. The President, Mr. Khalid Nacir, Minister of Communication and Spokesperson of the Moroccan Government, thanked Ms. Paradisi and declared the Arab League support to COPEAM and to its cooperation action and its efforts for the rapprochement between the two shores of the Mediterranean. Click here to read COPEAM Secretary General’s speech