In the framework of COPEAM annual Conference in Malta (26-28 March 2015) - focused on the theme “The Mediterranean and the exodus of populations: the role of the media” - COPEAM and all its members attending the event unanimously adopted a resolution aimed at mobilizing the media, notably the public service ones, around principles and concrete proposals, such as the realization of a TV and radio institutional promo so as to raise public awareness at a regional level on the phenomena related to refugees.
Building on this resolution and with a view to the World Refugee Day (20 June 2015), COPEAM has produced a 30’’ video in several languages (Arabic, English, French, Italian) in collaboration with UNHCR, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
This initiative has met with a large consensus by COPEAM broadcaster members that aired the spot in 13 countries of the Mediterranean basin. It was also made available to the EBU (European Broadcasting Union) network and on the ERN-MED and ASBU-Menos exchange platforms.
Finally, in the framework and during all the 72nd Venice International Film Festival, the spot was broadcast on the screens of the Venice Film Market.
For more information about the World Refugee Day
Listen the Radio spot