News production objective | Magazines production objective |
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Documentaries production objective | |
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Euromed-News Documentaries’ workshop Tunis, June 29th – July 1st 2009 On June 29th, Mr. Maaoui, Director General of ASBU, welcomed the teams from the Algerian, Jordanian, Lebanese, Moroccan and Syrian TVs in charge of the production of documentaries for the Euromed-News project. Five teams gathering the head of project, a director and documentary-maker from each broadcaster involved, along with the Euromed-News Executive Production and a team from COPEAM, met in Tunis at the ASBU’s headquarters. Three days of study and cooperation that allowed to settle the basis for the production of a “collection” of nine documentaries aimed at portraying the human face of the Mediterranean, by treating subjects about the EU Neighbourhood Policy. On day one, presentations about Europe, about ENP and a recall of Euromed-News’ goals allowed the participants to target their reflection and to identify the nine issues they will deal with. These topics were then submitted to the approval of the E.C., during a phone conference with Mrs Lucas who is in charge of the Programme. The participants had the occasion to describe to Mrs Lucas their idea and approach to the selected subjects and to ask the E.C. support in order to overcome the possible obstacles they could meet during the documentaries’ production. Once she validated almost all the projects proposed, Mrs Lucas insisted in recalling the importance of both the content and aesthetic quality of these documentaries, aimed at communicating in a concrete way the idea of the “Mediterranean” and that will possibly be proposed to the audiences of both Southern and Northern Mediterranean shores. The day after, 5 issues out of 9 were distributed between the present teams so that each one could start identifying the most effective angles of approach and the subjects directly linked with European projects that have been fulfilled or that are in progress: -the Syrian television will produce a documentary about the symbolic and revealing places of intercultural and inter-religious dialogue; -the Jordanian television will make a documentary about water that is a resource to be preserved; -the Moroccan TV is in charge of the economic issue by emphasising the processes of investment and of micro-credit in the Area; -the Lebanese television will deal with the preservation of the cultural patrimony; -lastly, the Algerian television chose to work on the migration flows and most particularly on illegal immigration inside the Euromed zone. The last day was devoted to the critical screening of programmes already produced by the teams outside the Euromed-News project, so to further fix the way of treating the topics and to establish the goals to be achieved both concerning contents and the quality of the planned items. This working session was enriched by the expert eye of Mr. Hichem Ben Amar, independent Tunisian producer-director that had attended the European training Eurodoc Med in the framework of the Euromed Audiovisual II programme. He shared his experience with the teams and participated in the discussions and debates that took place in such occasion. The workshop on documentaries ended on an useful intercultural dialogue on technical matters between professionals, and on the reciprocal sharing of the documentary-making practices. The five documentaries should be ready to be broadcast by October 2009. From then on, the production of the 4 remaining ones will be started. The 9 topics that have been selected are: 1. The water : a common natural resource 2. Alternative energies 3. Inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue 4. Economy and investments in the Euromed region 5. Immigration 6. Safeguard and preservation of the Euro-Mediterranean cultural patrimony 7. Women 8. Youth mobility in the Euromed Region 9. Mediterranean sea cleanup Workshop of Euromed News magazines coproduction Algiers, June 13th – 19th, 2009 The Euromed News workshop on magazine intercultural co-production took place in Algiers from June 13thto June 19th 2009 with the participation of the editors in chief and journalists from four organizations members of the Consortium and subcontractors (EPTV – Algeria, JRTV – Jordan, ORTAS – Syria and TL – Lebanon). The participants have chosen twelve reportages among about twenty proposed topics. These twelve reportageswill appear in the four magazines at the rate of three reportages by issue. One magazine episode will be entirely dedicated to women. The workshop has been split in four sub-workshops, one for each magazine issue, that were run by the editors in chief andsupported by theeditors from EPTV. At the same time, a young graphic designer from the same organization was preparing the credits, the jingles and the music thatwill beopen and close themagazine. The presentations that introduce each reportage have been shot in Algiers and its surroundings. On Wednesday June 17th, the workshop participants have attended a video-conference organized at the headquarter of the European Union Delegation in Algiers with Miss Chrystelle Lucas from Brussels. They have discussed with her about the contents of the co-produced magazines and also about the working environment in the different countries and about the connections between the Delegations of these countries. The workshop ended on June 18th, when the participants have metMr. Abdelkader Lalmi,President of the EPTV. He has exhorted them to be professional in the fulfilment of their job of journalists, and more especially in the framework of the Euromed News project which is a precious opportunity to give visibility to the progress and the achievements that have been realized in the countries of the southern bank of the Mediterranean and to promote the intercultural dialogue with the neighbours of the northern bank in a spirit of mutual respect and tolerance. Planning of the workshop of intercultural production and content of these four magazines Magazine 1 Generalist Editor in chief : Rabab El Dahhak (ORTAS) - Newsreader : Djamila Lamouri (EPTV) Reportages : 1.Humanitarian helps to population in Gaza (JRTV) 2.Division of the city of Damascus into touristic districts (ORTAS) 3.Renovation of the de Cathedral of Notre-Dame-d'Afrique in Algiers (EPTV) Magazine 2 Generalist Editor in chief : Dina Ramadan (TL) – Newsreader : Dina Ramadan (TL) Reportages : 1.Renovation of a monastery in Syria (ORTAS) · 2.Help to the hospital El Ahli in Galilee-Palestine (JRTV) · 3.Micro-credit support to a rural woman for an exhibition of carpet weaving (EPTV) Magazine 3 Generalist Editor in chief : Nidaa Rawabdeh (JRTV) - Newsreader: Abeer Azzaben Reportages : 1.Agreement of association Alegria-EU/twinning/Taiex (EPTV) · 2.Reform of the tutorial system in Jordan (JRTV) · 3.Training of alternative mothers for the orphans in Syria (ORTAS) Magazine 4 Topic on Women Editor in chief : Ammar Hallas (EPTV) - Newsreader : Alaa Ebrahim (ORTAS) 1.Website aiming at making students aware of their civil rights (EPTV) · 2.Portrait of a woman that developed a mechanism for physically handicapped persons (JRTV) 3.Portrait of a woman that have received afunding for a PME project (ORTAS) Euromed News editors and chief and journalists meeting 4-5 May 2009 On the 4th and 5th May a workshop was held in Algiers aiming at evaluating the start-up phase of the news activities, and at laying the basis for the magazine production and broadcast. The first day of the workshop has been devoted to the general presentation of the MENOS (Multimedia Exchange Network Over Satellite) exchange system set up by ASBU so to become a tool of coordination and of transmission of radio and TV data, news and programmes. The second day has been entirely dedicated to the meeting of the editors in chief and journalists of the Euromed-News project. The agenda included the following points: 1-Reports’ analysis of the meetings held on the 15th,16th and 17th April 2009 in Cairo. 2-News coverage plan. 3-Euromed News editors in chief – journalists coordination. 4-Screening and analytical evaluation of the items already produced. 5-Euromed News magazine : format, content, production, broadcast, exchange 6-Euromed News communication plan. 7-Gender equality. Euromed News Info Days Cairo, 15-16 April 2009 On the 15th and 16th April 2009, the Info Days have been organized with the participation of the European Commission representatives in Cairo at the eve of the COPEAM Annual Conference, with the aim of facilitating the coordination and the work between the televisions involved. The meeting, attended by the editors in chief, the journalists and the heads of project of each Euromed News broadcaster member, aimed at presenting the various tools and information sources available on the Euro-Mediterranean programs carried out by the European Union. In particular, the sessions – led by Mrs Chrystelle Lucas from AIDCO, Mrs Myria Antoniadou from the Euromed Info Centre and Mrs Judith Neisse from the “Enhancing equality between mend an women in the Euro-Med region” Programme focused on the following themes: - the sources of the information - how to use the EbS (Europe by Satellite) tools and the European Commission audio-visual service - how to integrate the transversal strategy for the gender equality in the project - the EU neighborhood policy and its programs The partners of the project have met on the 17th April 2009 - after the conclusion of the Info Days – in order to establish the working methodology and the agenda of the project. It has been agreed that, in the respect of the goals established by the EC, the editorial freedom of each TV will be preserved, and that those news who have regional or general interest will have priority on those of national interest. The exchange, broadcast and re-broadcast methodologies have been reminded, as well as the importance of maximizing the communication and visibility of the project. First meeting of Euromed News Consortium's partners Tunis, 19 February 2009 EuroMed News project has launched its operational phase on February 19th at the headquarters of ASBU (Arab State broadcasting Union), in Tunis, where the Consortium’s partners have met for the first time. The “Tunis meeting” has allowed to setting the agenda of the first activities. Two information days on the cooperation relationships between the EU and its neighbour countries of the South of the Mediterranean – on which the TV products will be focused – will be held in Cairo aside the Annual Conference of COPEAM. Two more meetings will be held in June: the first one, that will be held in Tunis, will focus on the documentaries production and co-production while the second one, that will be welcomed by the EPTV in Algiers, will be devoted to an inter-cultural workshop during which the participants will co-produce 4 special episodes of the Euromed News magazine. For more information on the Euromed News project: Official website: Youtube page: