Focused on the topic “The role of the media in the Mediterranean region”, the international meeting,
organised by Paralleli – Istituto EuroMediterraneo del Nord Ovest, has been held in Turin on the 24th November.
In a more and more globalised world,what role are the media playing in order to help to understand
the evolution, the changes occurring in our multicultural societies? Can they represent instrument
of dialogue, democratic growing and overcoming of stereotypes? Are they able to portray this complex identity? Many actors of the Euro-Mediterranean media panorama have gathered together
to discuss on these issues. Mr. Mustapha Bennabi, Vice-Secretary General of COPEAM, took part in the meeting presenting COPEAM cooperation experience and focusing on the topic “The circulation of audiovisual products in the Euro-Mediterranean area”. “COPEAM is always careful that the achievements fulfilled don’t remain isolated models but become, on the contrary, rules able to change, step by step, the traditional architecture of the media, to promote the exchange of contents and a shared interest programmes’ co-production policy, to support the non-stop training of journalist, to use information and communication as multiplying effect tools serving the mutual knowledge and the inter-cultural dialogue within the Mediterranean basin”, said Mr. Bennabi