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Cross-border docu-mags for a sustainable Mediterranean basin region

Tunis, January 25th - 28th 2012

The first coproduction workshop in the framework of the JOUSSOUR project will be held in Tunis, hosted by ASBU, from January 25th to 28th, 2012. The project plans the coproduction of 12 docu-mags on the best environmental practices in the Mediterranean coastal regions.
JOUSSOUR is a cross-border cooperation initiative co-funded by the EU in through the ENPI CBC MED Programme - managed by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia - and implemented by the following consortium: COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators) as leading partner, ASBU (Union de Radiodiffusion des Etats Arabes, Tunisia), PBS (Public Broadcasting Services Ltd, Malta), RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana/RAI Educational (Italy) and EBU (European Broadcasting Union) as associated partner.

Joussour involves other TV organizations of several Mediterranean countries :
CyBC (Cyprus), ERTU (Egypt), France3 Corse ViaStella (France), JRTV (Jordan), Palestine (PBC), RTVE (Spain), Télévision Tunisienne.
This first workshop will be focused on the editorial line of the series and on the identification of the most relevant projects developed in the eligible territories of the CBC MED Programme and which will be treated in the docu-mags. Format, style, target audiences of the products as well as the co-production timetable will be also defined on that occasion.
The selected film directors proceeding from the associated TVs will be supervised by the technical team of the project, composed of three executive producers appointed by the consortium, and by one environmental expert.
The macro-themes identified by the Cross-border Executive Production (CEP) as subjects of the series are renewable energies, water resources, biological diversity, recycling, environmental education, green economy and biological agriculture.