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On 25th May 2013, upon Algerian Radio (ENRS) initiative, COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators) Radio Commission organised the first edition of The Binmen of the Med: a Euro-Mediterranean media and ecological event aimed at mobilizing volunteers from 4 countries of the region (Croatia, Romania, France and Algeria), to participate in a simultaneous cleaning operation of their coasts.
The Croatian public radio (HRT), the Romanian radio (Radio Constanta), the whole France Bleu Sud Méditerranée network and France Bleu RCFM(Corse) as well as the Algerian radio (ENRS) set up, with the support of environmental associations, an action plan to launch a call for volunteers and to propose a special programming to raise awareness on ecological issues.
The engagement of COPEAM radio members – that ensured the radio coverage of this initiative –enabled to inform the audiences about environmental stakes in the Mediterranean area, to educate citizens on ecological themes and to spread among the general public of the region the results of this innovative action, taking place simultaneously on the Algerian coasts, the Croatian deltas and beaches, the Romanian littoral on the Black Sea, Corse and all the coasts of the South of France.