Digital revolution, Internet, interactivity,
DTT, social media: nowadays the media landscape is experiencing changes that make journalists question their role in this new multimedia environment.
The training project
“Ulysse 2.0 - network, network journalism and Internet”, developed by Canal France International,
Ecole Supérieure de
Journalisme de
Lille and the Moroccan channel
Soread -
2M, intended to address this challenge.
11 young journalists from 2M/Morocco, EPTV and EPRS/Algeria, Nawaat.org/Tunisia, JRTV/Jordan, PBC/Palestinian Territories,
SRR/Romania and
HRT/Croatia, participated in
“Ulysse 2.0” that was structured into two steps.
The Montpellier workshop (28 Feb. - 5 March 2011) was devoted to the presentation, by experts
and professionals of the sector, of the current way of integrating new and social media in the information coverage, to the principles and potentialities of the
multiplatform journalism and to innovative formats such as the web-documentary.
This theoretical session was followed by a practical one, organized in Casablanca (21-26 March 2011), during which the participating journalists, as a genuine multimedia and intercultural newsroom, have worked at the carrying out of a common project aiming at describing their vision of this “Mediterranean Generation” brimming with projects, initiatives and hope.
This on-the-field work led to the publication of a web-based documentary -
www.ulysse2.com - composed of multimedia portraits of young people of the region. Heads of associations for environmental and sea protection, volunteers, entrepreneurs, bloggers, newspapers’ founders and initiators of innovative internet tools, artists in the cinema sector and in the music emerging scene, or young people who decided to carry on their families’ traditions and jobs: it’s to this Mediterranean youth that
“Ulysse 2.0” journalists sought to give the floor.
By crossing their glances and their skills, they showed the capacity of the new media to tell the history - and the stories - of this changing Mediterranean.
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