World Radio Day 2019 : Dialogue, Tolerance & Peace
This year again,COPEAM supports – as a member of the organizing committee – the World Radio Day!
On next February 13, COPEAM will invite its radio members to celebrate the Radio as a factor of dialogue and…

PLURAL+ Video Festival: COPEAM special prize 2018
COPEAM keeps supporting the PLURAL+ Video Festival, organized by UNAOC and IOM in cooperation with a wide number of international partners. The main goal of this worldwide competition is to give voice to young video-makers wishing to express…

World Radio Day: Radio and sports
13 February 2018
As a member of the World Radio Day committee, COPEAM invites its members to celebrate Radio and Sports, with the aim of strengthening diversity, peace and development through sports broadcasting.
The radios are…

COPEAM for the 2017 Mediterranean Journalist Award
Brussels, 6 December 2017
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Mediterranean Journalist Awards, COPEAM has renewed its partnership with the Anna Lindh Foundation being part again of the international Jury in charge of selecting the…

PLURAL+ Video Festival: COPEAM special prize 2017
As in the past, COPEAM supports the 2017 edition of PLURAL+ Video Festival, organized by UNAOC and IOM in cooperation with a wide number of international partners. The main goal of this worldwide competition is to give voice…

COPEAM at Lectorinfabula and Materadio 2017 with its Radio Commission
Upon invitation of the Lectorinfabula Festival, the new season of MusicaMed (weekly music radio programme) was presented in Conversano (Italy) last 15 and 16 September.
It was an opportunity to announce the new format of…

World Radio Day 2017: RADIO IS YOU
The 2017 edition of the World Radio Day was announced. As a member of the organizing committee, COPEAM joins UNESCO in inviting all member radios to take part, next 13 February, to this global event and to celebrate…

In Vinci, the tunisian « Babour » wins the best documentary award “Inter-Rives 5: stories of travels and seas”
Vinci (Florence),Friday 27 January 2017
A crossed portrait of immigration between the south and the north of the Mediterranean, between Tunisia and Italy, is the subject of the short film “Babour“, awarded in Vinci as the best documentary…

La mode à Beyrouth : un pont culturel entre jeunes créateurs du Liban et du Moyen Orient
Beyrouth, 17-22 octobre 2016
A sa troisième édition, la Semaine de la Mode s’est déroulée au Forum de Beyrouth du 17 au 22 octobre dernier, sous l’égide du Ministère du Tourisme du Liban.