Mediterradio, the voice of the Western islands

Every week, Sardinia, Sicily and Corsica meet thanks to Mediterradio, the voice of islands.

Half an hour of immersion in news and culture, a program created in 1997 and hosted today by Vito Biolchini from Cagliari, Adélaïde Costa in Palermo and Jérôme Susini in Ajaccio. Mediterradio continues its mission to bring the large islands of the Western Mediterranean into dialogue on issues of great importance, such as those related to the environment, Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, identity and minority languages. A place of exchange and growth, for a rapprochement between different realities which, in recent years, has also involved Malta and Tunisia.

Mediterradio is also available on Rai Play Sound and on the RCFM France Bleu Frequenza Mora website.


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