The 18-34 generation will build the 21st century, carrying the strengths and hopes of all nations. Generation What? is the first cross-media programme putting the millennial generation under the spotlights. Its Arabic version was launched on 14 March in Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia and on 11 April in Egypt, Libya and Palestine.
The project websites, one for each country involved, offer to young people aged between 18 and 34 the opportunity to take a survey of 167 questions written with the support of sociologists and tailored to each country’s cultural and social context. This survey covers all relevant fields: millennials’ relationship with their family, society, work, adulthood, love, expectations, national and cultural identity and more.
A six-month cross-media campaign is going on with the purpose of spreading out the survey as much as possible and making the “selfie” of the Arab youngster; the survey findings will be made public and used to produce news items, either TV or radio programmes, live TV shows and/or documentaries so to generate a wide-ranging debate at a national level and across the region.

You can answer the questionnaire (it is fun and informative), watch the videos made by our partners and specially share the country's local website address on social networks and invite your family and friends to take the survey. Together, we will be able to draw a portrait of the young generation in the Mediterranean Arab countries and compare the similarities and differences with young Europeans.
Stay tuned!