36th International URTI Radio Grand Prix

Official selection of the 10 finalist programmes
Under the presidency of Marco Motta (RAI, Italy) and the 2024 URTI Radio Jury members:
Alexandre Pletser (RTBF, Belgium), Maurice Mahounon (SRTB, Benin), Clémence Tuina (RTB, Burkina Faso), Serge Bertrand Pouth Pouth (CRTV, Cameroon), Dina Abdelmeguid (NMA, Egypt), Zoltan Pásztor (MTVA, Hungary), Aferdita Rushiti (RTK, Kosovo) & Carmen Ionescu (Radio Romania, Romania).
* Listed alphabetically by country *
- Cecilia, the missing who calls - Francisco Godinez Galay - Argentina - Centro de Producciones Radiofónicas
- The History of Radio - Moity Uwaifo - Cameroon - CRTV, Cameroon Radio Television
- The Magic of Waves - Merlin Chimegni - Cameroon - CRTV, Cameroon Radio Television
- Chris Brookes: Non-rechargeable Battery - Malgorzata Zerwe & David Zane Mairowitz - Canada - CBC, Canada Broadcasting Company
- RADI00: Man, Piano and Tent - Kateřina Kubalová - Czech Republic - Czech Radio
- Morning - Birthday of the Hungarian Radio - Enikő Gécsek-Tóth - Hungary - MTVA, Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund
- Shelter (Panah) - Mona (Ramona) Moslemi - Iran - Exon Multipurpose Institute
- Monica Lovinescu. The lucidity of a voice - Laura-Isabela Aivăncesei - Romania - Radio Romania
- Knock Knock - 200 years of Sound Effects - Michael Umney - United Kingdom - BBC Radio 4 - a Resonance Production
- Radio Miniatures - CRI, Comunità Radiotelevisiva Italofona (Maria du Bessé) Editorial coordination: RAI (Andrea Borgnino) & RSI (Daniel Bilenko)
RAI (Italy): Rai Radio3, Paolo Di Paolo / Rai Sardegna, Vito Biolchini / Rai Alto Adige, Alessandra Tortosa RSI (Swiss), Francesca Rodesino / Radio Romania (Romania), Iuliana Anghel / RTV SLO - Radio Capodistria (Slovenia), Barbara Urizzi / Radio Vaticana (State of the Vatican City), Rosario Tronnolone / RTV San Marino (Republic of San Marino), Lia Fiorio / WDR - Cosmo Italiano (Germany), Tommaso Pedicini / RAE (Argentina), Marcelo Ayala / Radio Atene (Greece), Tassos Mavris / RTSH - Radio Tirana (Albania), Genti Mumajesi / ICN NY (United States), Cesare Deserto.
The URTI 2024 Grand Prix Ceremony to announce the winners (as well as the Digital Works Award) will take place online on Wednesday, December 11th, 2024.
61st ABU General Assembly & associated meetings hosted by TRT

ISTANBUL, 18 – 23 October, 2024
The 61st ABU General Assembly Held in Istanbul Highlights AI’s Role in Shaping the Future of Broadcasting
Members of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), the world’s largest broadcasting union with 230 members spanning 65 countries, convened in Istanbul from 18-23 October for the 61st ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings to explore how artificial intelligence is transforming the future of media. Hosted by TRT, under the theme "The Nexus of AI, Broadcasting and Society", the event welcomed nearly 400 participants from 45 countries, including broadcasters, technologists, policymakers, and key regional leaders to explore the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on media industry.
Click here to read the press release
Kantara, another idea of the Mediterranean: The 26th season in progress

As every year, the team of Kantara has returned back to the studios for a new season. The six journalists of the magazine have resumed their weekly rhythm to offer their listeners from France, Morocco, Spain, Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon another perspective on the Mediterranean.
Each issue explores current and transversal themes that unite the shores of the Mediterranean, questioning society by highlighting local initiatives, global challenges, and the cultures that shape the region.
Through exclusive interviews and reports, Kantara continues to weave a unique link between the countries of the Mediterranean basin. Whether addressing climate change adaptation, scientific discoveries, the vitality of cultural traditions or human solidarity, the magazine offers a lively and insightful gaze of a space in constant transformation, heavily impacted by international conflicts.
For this new season, the arrival of Paul Antoine Squarcini at the microphone of France Bleu RCFM has to be pointed out: he joins Dina Abdelmeguid from Radio Le Caire (Egypt), Nadira Belkhoutout from Radio Chaîne Inter (Morocco), Sondès Ben Khalifa from RTCI (Tunisia), Nanette Ziade from Radio Liban 96.2, and Inés Azagra Prego and Guillermo Bravo from Radio Exterior de España.
The show is now available on a dedicated page - where the past seasons can also be found - and on the major podcast platforms:
Selection of the best episodes from the start of the season:
Kantara 2024/2025 - #11: Special Mediterranean Day
Kantara 2024/2025 - #07: Desserts méditerranéens
Kantara 2024/2025 - #05: spécial Octobre Rose
Media partnerships: LectorInFabula and Tomorrow Mobility World Congress

COPEAM's Radio Commission strategically partners with international events in order to organize special radio broadcasts on-site, meetings with guests and participants from festivals, congresses, and international happenings. Relying on the weekly magazines developed under COPEAM's aegis, this win-win practice offers Mediterranean and international coverage to organizers and brings together journalists who work throughout the year from their home countries.
In September, Mediterradio, the magazine of the Mediterranean islands, temporarily left its island base for the Apulia region (Italy) to participate in LectorInFabula, the main cultural event of the city of Conversano. On this occasion, special issues were recorded in public and outdoors in the heart of the city. In one of the episodes realized on-site, local and regional administrators discussed the links between culture and territory, addressing topics such as the access to culture, policies for young people, the concept of proximity, and the importance of dialogue and diversity for an inclusive cultural future.
A second episode – featuring, among others, Claudio Cappon, Secretary General of COPEAM – focused on the role of the Mediterranean, the evolution of radio over a hundred years of broadcasting in Italy, and the place of women in society.
At the invitation of the European program EIT Urban Mobility, journalists from Kantara and Mediterradio – Inés Azagra Prego (RNE) and Paul Antoine Squarcini (Radio France) – participated in the Tomorrow Mobility World Congress (TMWC), held in Barcelona in early November, dedicated to "Smart Cities" and sustainable mobility issues.
The congress brought together over 25.000 participants from 130 countries, including experts, companies and public institutions, to discuss the challenges and solutions related to sustainable urban mobility. As a real exchange platform, the TMWC emphasized technological innovation and international cooperation to transform mobility models.
It was an opportunity for our radio journalists to explore important topics, such as, for Mediterradio, the challenges and specificities of island contexts in the global transformation of means of transportation and, for Kantara, the adaptability and relevance of the suggested solutions for cities in Southern Europe and in the MENA region.
Mediterradio @LectorInFabula
- https://www.raiplaysound.it/audio/2024/09/Mediterradio-del-27092024Mediterradio-PT-02-del-27-09-24-65c74f67-3d00-423a-b34d-993ba724d595.html
- https://www.raiplaysound.it/audio/2024/10/Mediterradio-del-04102024-Mediterradio-PT-03-del-04-10-24-54d863ac-4f75-4bc4-ba9e-dfa0507faa0e.html
Kantara & Mediterradio @ Tomorrow Mobility World Congress
- Kantara 2024/2025 - #09 : Les mobilités de demain
- Mediterradio #9 del 15-11-24
Mediterradio, the voice of the Western islands

Every week, Sardinia, Sicily and Corsica meet thanks to Mediterradio, the voice of islands.
Half an hour of immersion in news and culture, a program created in 1997 and hosted today by Vito Biolchini from Cagliari, Adélaïde Costa in Palermo and Jérôme Susini in Ajaccio. Mediterradio continues its mission to bring the large islands of the Western Mediterranean into dialogue on issues of great importance, such as those related to the environment, Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, identity and minority languages. A place of exchange and growth, for a rapprochement between different realities which, in recent years, has also involved Malta and Tunisia.
Mediterradio is also available on Rai Play Sound and on the RCFM France Bleu Frequenza Mora website.
The new radio co-productions entered the post-production phase

The partner radios of the COPEAM new podcast "Mediterranean Monuments between Sky and Sea" have produced their subjects during the summer 2024. The series has entered the post-production phase with the support of Radio France and France Bleu RCFM. The release for broadcast is expected in the beginning of 2025.
The new international series "Arab Philosophers, Ancient and Contemporary," produced in partnership with ASBU and 15 public radios from Southern Europe, the MENA region and the Gulf countries, is in its finalization phase. The co-producers are putting the final touch on their contributions, to prepare for broadcasting starting from the first half of 2025.
On November 23, during the Nouvelles Rencontres d’Averroès in Marseille, the first excerpts from the podcast were presented in preview. This event brought together Micha Khalil from Radio Monte-Carlo Doualiya (France Médias Monde), Jawdath Jabbour, expert in Arab philosophy and researcher at CNRS-TDMAM (AMU), and Guillaume Ortiou-Campion, project coordinator at COPEAM. This occasion revealed the ambition of this series: to explore and transmit the intellectual heritage of Arab thinkers through the centuries, while making it accessible and relevant to contemporary debates.
The series - produced in Arabic - will highlight iconic figures of classical philosophy, such as Averroes, Al-Fârâbî, Al-Tawhîdî and Avicenna, while echoing the reflections of contemporary thinkers. It aims to bridge the rich philosophical tradition of the Arab world with current matters, demonstrating the universal resonance of those ideas.
To ensure an international distribution, translated versions in French and English will also be available. The series is aimed at reaching a broad audience and will be particularly appreciated by students and enthusiasts of history and philosophy.
This project, which is the result of a collaboration between public radios from different backgrounds, embodies the importance of intercultural dialogue and audiovisual cooperation; sticking to the co-production approach of COPEAM and ASBU, it strengthens the ties between the partner regions while highlighting the essential role of philosophy in the development of societies.
Excerpt 1 - El Farabi by Micha Khalil from MCD (VOST FR): https://youtu.be/rdCbdlxuwZA
Excerpt 2 - El Farabi by Micha Khalil from MCD (VOST FR): https://youtu.be/GUbuA1UkJGs
TRT Strengthens Its Global Broadcasting Network with Membership in the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU)

January 15, 2025
TRT, Türkiye’s public service media, has strengthened its international presence by becoming an associate member of the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU). The decision was made unanimously during ASBU’s 44th General Assembly, held in Tunis on January 15, 2025, with nearly 200 delegates in attendance.
ASBU, a prominent organization comprising 41 members, categorizes its membership into “active members,” “participating members,” and “associate members.” While active membership is exclusive to Arab countries, TRT’s inclusion as an associate member reflects its growing influence in the region. This status allows TRT to actively engage in ASBU’s General Assembly meetings, participate in committees, and contribute to the Union’s initiatives, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among members.
In addition to contributing its expertise, TRT will gain access to ASBU’s renowned news exchange network and opportunities such as participation in the Arab Radio and Television Festival. These platforms will enhance TRT’s ability to connect with audiences across the Arab world.
Turkish dramas, including TRT’s globally celebrated series Diriliş: Ertuğrul, have already achieved significant popularity in Arab countries. With its membership in ASBU, TRT is poised to deepen cultural ties and expand co-production opportunities with broadcasters in the region.
Founded in 1969 in Khartoum, Sudan, ASBU has its headquarters in Tunis, where it hosts its annual General Assembly. The organization aims to strengthen relationships among Arab broadcasting organizations, enhance content production, provide technical and consultancy services, and facilitate news and media exchanges. ASBU is also a key member of the World Broadcasting Unions (WBU), further amplifying its influence on the global stage.
TRT’s inclusion in ASBU adds to its growing portfolio of international partnerships. The broadcaster is also a member of prestigious organizations such as the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB), the Mediterranean Center for Audiovisual Communication (CMCA), the Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM), the Association for International Broadcasting (AIB) and the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), where it holds the presidency since 2023. These memberships underscore TRT’s commitment to fostering global collaboration and strengthening its position as a leading voice in international broadcasting.
TRT-COPEAM training workshop on “Digital media broadcasting: news, content creation and social media strategy”

Ankara, 30-31 January 2025
Upon COPEAM’s proposal, TRT will host in Ankara, on 30-31 January 2025, an international training workshop on the topic “Digital Media Broadcasting: news, content creation and social media strategy”.
The training, open to COPEAM broadcasting members from the MENA and the Balkans’ regions, will involve a group of 15 beneficiaries from the news and digital departments.
The training programme will range from digital journalism techniques to social media broadcasting and engagement strategies, with the aim of enhancing the visibility of online news in an increasingly digital world.
This capacity building activity is the first organized by COPEAM and TRT following the latter’s election at the Presidency of Association’s Training Commission.
TRT’s 60th Anniversary

In 2024, Türkiye's national broadcaster, Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT), marked its 60th anniversary with celebrations across the nation.
Click here to read the remarks of TRT Director General, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zahid Sobacı,
“The podcast revolution: new strategies in radio broadcasting” – International training by RAI in collaboration with COPEAM and ASBU

Rome, 22 -24 November 2023
A 3-day training about podcasting was organised by RAI in Rome, in collaboration with COPEAM and ASBU. 20 delegates from several public radios of the two networks - RTSH/Albania, BNR/Bulgaria, Radio Romania, RTK/Kosovo, RTS/Serbia, EPRS/Algeria, Tunisian Radio and Radio Tunisienne RTCI, ERT/Greece, Radio Liban, Saudi Broadcasting Authority (SBA), SNRT/Morocco - and from ASBU radio department attended the workshop.
Various professionals from Radio Rai and Rai Play Sound shared their experiences with their international colleagues about the ongoing transition from traditional radio to digital sound; the latest trends and strategies; the distribution and promotion on digital platforms; the internal workflow and collaborations; the use of sound and voice for storytelling; the use of archives; the technological and competence needs. A large space was given to Rai’s best podcasts exploring different genres: narrative journalism, docufiction and documentary, scientific journalism, live podcast, history.
Some interactive sessions were also run to facilitate exchanges between the participants involved.
Last year, COPEAM had disseminated a questionnaire among its radio members to ask about their priority needs in terms of training. Podcasting was definitely one of the most common answers. Thanks to RAI’s International Relations, we have been able to match such request and to implement this activity, which can be the ground for new collaborative and transnational podcast projects.