COPEAM 23rd Annual Conference and 22nd General Assembly
Which future for the young people of the Mediterranean? The contribution of the media
7-9 April 2016 – Palais des Congrès – Ajaccio
Hosted by the Collectivité Territoriale de Corse (Corsica Region)
The events that have been shaking the Region in the recent years on both shores have caused a strong deception among the youngsters, the former to get involved in those social movements. Their hopes in the future are weak, often confronted to political, economic and social dynamics that they perceive as prevaricating and far-off. Our challenge is to give back confidence in…

22nd annual Conference and 21st General Assembly
“The Mediterranean and the exodus of populations: the role of the media” Malta, 26-28 March 2015 Grand Hotel ExcelsiorGreat Siege Road – Floriana, FRN 1810, Malta The 2015 COPEAM annual Conference was held in Malta from 26 to 28 March, hosted by the Maltese public broadcaster PBS. The title of the 22nd edition was: “The Mediterranean and the exodus of populations: the role of the media”. TV spot of COPEAM Conference 2015
Final resolution On the following links, you can read the press releases and articles by AnsaMed on this three-day event: COPEAM: 22nd annual conference…

21st annual Conference and 20th General Assembly
Tunis, 10-13 April 2014
“The Mediterranean: reshaping cooperation”
Hotel Ramada Plaza Gammarth, Tunis
The 21st annual conference of COPEAM took place in Tunis, from 10 to 13 April, organized in collaboration with the Radio Tunisienne and under the High Patronage of the Presidence of the Tunisian Republic.
Several renown personalities from all the Mediterranean area gathered around the theme: “Mediterranean: reshaping cooperation”, discussing on the need of exploring new participative mechanisms aimed at re-launching the audiovisual Mediterranean landscape, specially against the current general scenario in the Region.
The main subject was deepened along three plenary sessions…

20th Conference and 19th General Assembly of COPEAM
Cagliari, 21-24 March 201
“The Mediterranean between economic crisis and socio-political changes: the floor to the media”
NEXT COPEAM ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN TUNISIA in 2014 The 20th Annual Conference of COPEAM was closed in Cagliari. More than 200 delegates from 27 countries from the Mediterranean region took part in the event. The discussion focused on the role of the media in a region which is facing both a severe economic crisis and deep socio-political changes. A number of personalities of the region contributed in the several panels, including the Secretary General of the Ministry…

19th Conference and 18th General Assembly of COPEAM
Marrakesh, 29th March -1st April 2012
Changes in the Euro-Mediterranean societies: the Media on the move
The 19th annual Conference of COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators), which took place at the Palais des Congrès of Marrakesh upon invitation of the Moroccan public broadcaster (SNRT) and in media-partnership with Babel TV on the theme “Changes in the Euro-Mediterranean societies: the Media on the move”, was officially opened by the Minister of Communication and spokesperson of the Moroccan government, Mustapha EL KHALFI.
During the three working sessions, a panel of experts from the media and the audiovisual sectors…

18th Conference and 17th General Assembly of COPEAM
Agia Napa, 12 – 15 May 2011
“A shared Mediterranean audiovisual landscape
New challenges for COPEAM after 15 years of action”
The 18th annual Conference of COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators), held in the whereabouts of the sea village of Agia Napa, in Cyprus, upon the kind invitation of the Cypriot public broadcaster (CyBC), ended successfully. This event gathered 240 professionals of the audiovisual and cultural sector from all the countries of the region.
The main focus of these threeâ€day debates and exchanges was: “a shared Mediterranean…

17th Conference and 16th General Assembly of COPEAM
Paris, 8 – 11 April 2010
“The Mediterranean Audiovisual Stake”
The 17th Annual Conference of COPEAM, organized in collaboration with INA (National Audiovisual Institute) and under the High Patronage of Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the French Republic, was focused on the theme “The Mediterranean Audiovisual Stake”. A stake embodied in a series of concrete and ambitious projects aiming at drawing the Mediterranean audiovisual landscape. This edition was an opportunity to assess the development of the 10 projects adopted by the General Assembly of Cairo, in 2009, which gained the consensus of the professionals of both the Mediterranean sides, as…

16ème Conférence et 15ème Assemblée Générale de la COPEAM
L’édition 2009 de la Conférence de la COPEAM a offert l’occasion de créer un «lien» entre le secteur des médias audiovisuels et les principaux acteurs multilatéraux œuvrant dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen autour des axes prioritaires de développement de l’Union pour la Méditerranée (environnement et dépollution, énergie et eau, infrastructures, recherche/culture, …). liste des organismes participants Cette rencontre a mis en valeur les complémentarités et les synergies entre tous ces acteurs pour atteindre un but final commun : développer et renforcer une région méditerranéenne unie et partagée. Un cadre de partenariat impliquant institutions, entreprises, médias et citoyens en tant que «parties…

15th Conference and 14th General Assembly
Bucharest, 16-18 May 2008
“Media and new intercultural challenges: Mediterranean without frontiers”
The 14th General Assembly of COPEAM was held on the 18th May 2008 in Bucharest, in the framework of its15th annual Conference.
Elections for the partial renewal of the Steering Committee and of the Secretary General: The General Assembly has elected the following organisations to the Steering Committee of COPEAM: Canal France International (France), EPTV (Algeria), ERTU (Egypt), France Télévisions, HRT (Croatia), LJB (Libya), Radio Tunisienne, Radio France.
The General Assembly has elected by voice vote Mrs. Alessandra PARADISI Secretary General of COPEAM….