14 Conference and 13 General Assembly
Dead Sea, 20- 22 April 2007
« Mediterranean : another way of communicating »
Organised thanks to the hospitality of JRTV – Jordan Radio and Television, in the suggestive setting of the Dead Sea, the XIV Conference of COPEAM has seen the Mediterranean audiovisual product as the actual protagonist of this rendezvous.
At the core of the three-day event, new languages and new visions: starting from the fourth “Inter-Rives” workshop (19th April) – where the production of the documentaries dealing with “Trends of contemporary art” and “Women” has been finalized and a pilot series ready to be broadcast has…

9th Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (Algiers, 2002)
8th–11th May 2002: “Media in the Mediterranean as Factors of Dialogue and Peace”. The Conference, held on the invitation of the Algerian television (ENTV) and under the High Patronage of the President of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria, Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika, gathered about 600 participants among professionals and representatives of the cultural and institutional sectors. The theme of peace and the urgency of strengthening the relationships between the Southern and Northern Mediterranean shores had been the main topics debated.
The General Assembly stressed the importance of establishing a real intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean region as the founding…
The 8th Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (Thessaloniki, 2001)
28-31 March 2001: the meeting, held once again in Thessaloniki (the Intergovernmental Conference of ThessaloniKi took place in 1997), was focused on the topic: “Mediterranean identities: the issues at stake and the responsibilities of the Media”.
The event occurred in a moment where the standoff of the Process of Barcelona caused increasing doubts and worries concerning the development of a Euro-Mediterranean area marked by geopolitical stability, economic cooperation and peaceful intercultural dialogue.
The success of the initiative is proved by the high-level participants who gave their contribution to the debate: intellectuals such as Pedrag Matvejevitch, the writer and…
The 7th Conference of COPEAM (Casablanca, 2000)
26 – 29 April 2000: at the invitation of 2M, Moroccan TV broadcaster, the 7th Conference of COPEAM has been focused on the theme “Competition and Partnership”.
At the dawn of the new millennium, it raises the need of evaluating and analysing the Euro-Mediterranean audiovisual panorama as a complex, mature and wide market for the Media and audiovisual sector.
The convergence between such sectors as broadcasting, telecommunications and new information technology; the process of change of the market dimension and Media consumption; the growing expectations of the Mediterranean public as regards the audiovisual offer.
All these factors…
The 6th Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (Valencia, 1999)
7th – 8th March 1999: at the invitation of RTVV – Radio Televisió Valenciana, the 6th Conference focused on “The digital era within the Mediterranean region”. The key question was whether the new technologies would help to bring the two shores of the Mediterranean closer or whether they would deepen the existing division.
Jean Bernard Munch, President of UER, intervened on the risks that the “digital revolution” could imply: economic discrimination, technological exclusion and divisions even within the same country. The passage to the digital system needs a re-organisation of the structures and huge investments. As Mr. Harguem, DG of…
The 5th Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (Tunis, 1998)
18th – 22nd April 1998: the Conference of Tunis, focused on “Solidarity and Partnership”, represents the continuity of actions to favour partnerships and concrete quality projects. The participants in the Conference showed that co-operation is well on the way in the Mediterranean audiovisual field and that COPEAM represents, so far, the sole international structure that gathers the main Euro-Mediterranean audiovisual professional networks. The existence, for several years, of programs such as Mediterraneo and Mediterranean Chronicles, brings evidence of it.
The meeting was also an occasion of reflection on the development of the Barcelona Process after 3 years of functioning….
The 4th Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (Marseille, 1997)
30th January-2nd February 1997: the concern of “going from strategy to action” animated the 4th Conference, which gathered numerous participants (nearly 300). The intense activity of the 7 working groups moved on four main axes:
– strengthening a common cultural Mediterranean “specificity” through the promotion of Mediterranean high-quality audiovisual products. This, by favouring the collaboration between broadcasters and producers in the field of co-production and exchange of programmes, in order to integrate Mediterranean products within the programme shedules of each TV;
– conceiving new financial tools for the support and promotion of…
The 3rd Conference of the Mediterranean Radio-TV Organizations and Audiovisual Operators (Cairo, 1996)
12th –16th January 1996: at the invitation of ERTU-Egyptian Radio and TV Union and RAI- Radiotelevisione Italiana, representatives from 28 European and Arab broadcasting companies, European Council, UNESCO, international organizations (EBU/UER, ASBU-Arab States Broadcasting Union, CMCA-Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle, North-South Centre of the Council of Europe) have taken part to the event. The Conference was opened by the Egyptian Minister of Information, Mr. Safwat Al Sharif, on behalf of President Hosni Mubarak; Mr. Amin Bassiuni, President of ERTU, who highlighted “the exigency of further cultural exchange among regional countries by launching more joint cultural ventures, to help to…
The 2nd Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (Palermo, 1994)
3rd- 6th December 1994: over 250 participants from Mediterranean public televisions, European and international intergovernmental bodies and UN agencies met in Palermo to reflect on the topic: “The audiovisual cooperation within the Mediterranean basin: problems, resources, prospects”. The choice of this focus arose from the awareness that in the modern Information Society the risk of widening the gap between the North and the South of the Mediterranean could increase. Hence, the urgent need of a multilateral permanent cooperation.
Within this general framework, a policy of cooperation in the audiovisual field becomes a strategic issue, as stated…