19th edition of the “Lector in Fabula” Festival

Conversano (Italy), 18-24 September 2023

In the framework of the 19th edition of the Lector in Fabula festival, dedicated this year to the theme “The Measure of the World”, Secretary General Claudio Cappon appeared as a panellist in the session “Global South. The world to come.”

The upheaval of global - demographic, economic, technological, etc. - balances and, in particular, those between the West and what we call the Global South or Third World, constitutes in fact a crucial element for imagining the world to come and for reflecting on the challenge that awaits us, particularly in terms of coexistence with different cultures, identities, religions and customs which increasingly claim their autonomy from our thoughts and values.

Based on this principle, he underlined that in a deeply globalized world, cultural diversities still remain strong and perceptible, with a clear re-emergence, everywhere, of the theme of identity. In the South of the world, in particular, a strong awareness of oneself, of one's own strength and of one's role is developing; the technological, scientific and even economic gap with the West is rapidly narrowing, while demographic factors see the West in sharp decline.

In this context, the media, in particular the public media, which are a faithful mirror of the movements and mutations of societies, are more focused on affairs and events close to consumers, and therefore more commercially attractive, against an international news’ dissemination increasingly in decline all over the world.

Nevertheless, he concluded, the new world is growing and will have an increasingly important role in the global agenda as we, "the Westerners", rather than trying to defend supposed superiority and historical status quo - which are unacceptable and anachronistic today - must accept changes and seize opportunities through “I listen and put myself on the same level as others”, thus creating a more welcoming human context for emerging protagonists.

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