Inter-Rives 9 TV coproduction: 2nd workshop – Tunis

The 9th edition of this long-lasting coproduction project promoted by COPEAM and ASBU was launched in 2022 around the topic “People & Markets”.

The final workshop was hosted by ASBU in Tunis in February 2023, related to the postproduction phase: joint screenings of the rough-cuts, comments and discussion of the technical rules to finalize the products to be exchanged.

Two intense days of screenings and exchanges to accomplish the 9° edition of INTER-RIVES TV documentary co-production about "People and markets": 13 high quality documentaries produced and a very collaborative atmosphere among all the film directors.
Ghardaia, Barcelona, Palermo, Muscat, Tunis, Athens, Jerusalem, Guelmin, Ankara, Etara, Sanary sur mer, Gracac, Ma'an: these are the wonderful locations where we unveil the 13 market&people stories of this co-production series.
The collection will be soon ready for being aired by all the partner TVs.

TV Partners: EPTV/Algeria, Télévision Tunisienne/Tunisia, Rai - Radiotelevisione Italiana/Italy, France Télévisions/France, SNRT/Morocco, BNT/Bulgaria, TRT/Türkiye, HRT/Croatia, ΕRΤ/Greece, Oman tv/Oman, PBC/Palestine, JRTV TV/Jordan, RTVE/Spain

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