COPEAM has participated, for the third time, in the Cultural Workshops on Intercultural Dialogue between Peoples and Cultures in the Euro-Mediterranean area and the Gulf zone.
The meeting, organised by the Institute for Peace Studies and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and supported by the BibliothecaAlexandrina and Suzanne MubarakWomen’s International Peace Movement,was held this time, after Paris and Seville, in the city of Alexandria.

This cycle of three Workshops was aimed at identifying the ways and the means to assure a continuous and fructuous dialogue between the different peoples and cultures, based on a better knowledge of the Other.

A Solemn Declaration has thus been presented together with the plans of action of the six thematic workshops of Alexandria. Amongst the workshops, «Images andWritings», in which COPEAM took part, has defined some guidelines on five main issues, among which the audiovisual and the Media.

In this framework, three COPEAMprojects have been held back: theTERRAMED project, the TV co-production «Inter-Rives», the Mediterranean Observatory on the Media.