A concrete tool to include DEI in journalism soon available

The EU project "Advancing Diversity & Inclusion in Journalism" is coming to an end.

After two online workshops on D&I strategies for more diverse and inclusive information and newsrooms, two in-presence workshops were organised to deepen challenges and solutions in promoting DEI in the media industry.

The first was held in Madrid, hosted by RTVE and organised by Fundación Diversidad, and was aimed at promoting a more inclusive, diverse and respectful journalism, starting from good practices on female leadership, LGBTIQ+ inclusion, and the integration of people with disabilities and ethnic minorities in newsrooms.

The second - held in Milan at the Representation of the European Commission - was organised by Fondazione Diversity.

In addition to insights on specific topics related to DEIA, the meeting was dedicated to the final objective of the project: the participatory and collaborative construction of practical and useful Guidelines, which will be disseminated at European level to promote inclusive editorial staff and correct representation of diversity.

The “Guidelines for a journalism sensitive to diversity, equity and inclusion” are composed of two sections: one highlighting the main challenges facing journalists when it comes to telling stories that accurately represent every part of society; one tackling diversity within newsrooms and the foundations for setting up workspaces that are diversified, accessible and safe for all media professionals.

The Guidelines are accompanied by the “Diversity, equity and inclusion in journalism: a practical checklist”, offering a series of 'Alerts' for each stage of the news production process and practical suggestions of ‘best practices’ to turn-of the alert.

The documents will be available in 4 languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish) in January 2025 on the project webpage: https://diversityinjournalism.eu/.

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