2011 Venice International News Conference: Black Gold, Blue Gold…White Gold!

Venice, 25 November 2011

The 2011 edition of VINC, the annual all-news channels meeting organized by COPEAM, Rai-News and Rai Venezia, in collaboration with Eutelsat, was held in Venice (Palazzo Labia), on the 25th November 2011.

This edition was focused on the topic “The 21st century challenges: Black Gold, Blue Gold…White Gold”: a growing number of news operators, distribution platforms and content providers are shaping the new-century global media landscape. In this complex and changing environment, information is a more and more strategic asset, a new kind of “gold” moving both economic and political interests. In this framework, the production of a responsible, timely and correct information becomes a crucial challenge for the news’ actors. User-generated contents, citizens journalism, web 2.0 and social networks can be an opportunity for the traditional media to reinforce the importance of their brands in ensuring quality, authoritativeness, and professionalism in the news-making to their audiences.

As in the previous editions, the representatives of Al Arabiya, Al Jazeera English, BBC, Canal 24 Horas, Euronews, France24, NTV Turkey, Rai-News and Russia Today took part in this panel and exchanged opinions and relevant experiences about how to deal with this open, bottomup and multi-platform information environment, how to verify the sources, how to avoid the risk of misinformation and manipulation, with a special focus on the 2011 Arab year.
During the event, the participants launched some collaboration actions about user-generated contents treatment, such as the use of a common hashtag on Twitter to signal, as a result of their complex work on sources’ verification, to colleagues and users the non-trustful video, photo or textual contents circulating on the web.
In addition to this, the participants proposed to carry out a comparative analysis on the news companies’ existing ethical codes about the use of social media as well as a mapping of the present
monitoring bodies on the quality of information.

In the evening, the participants were invited by Eutelsat to the 2011 ceremony of the HotBird TV Awards (http://www.hotbirdtvawards.com)


Presentation 2011 edition

Press release ITA

Press review