COPEAM is glad to announce the selection results of the 2020 ERN-Med Prize – devoted this year to the topic “Changing societies: communicating the Mediterranean diversities”:
>Best news items (ex aequo): “Planting a tree for migrants” by France Télévisions / France and “Women training project” by TVE / Spain
>Special mention: “Interreligious art” by EPTV / Algeria
Thanking the Arab and the European Broadcasting Unions (ASBU and EBU) for the valuable contribution to the Prize as Jury members and, with them, the ERN-Med Coordination Centre for all the work done during the year, we congratulate France Télévisions, TVE and EPTV for this success!
This year, a cash award of 1,000 euro to the winners is granted by the Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures (
The ERN-Med: Mediterranean Regional News Exchange - In 2002, the Mediterranean Regional News Exchange (ERN-Med) emerged from the need to enhance intercultural knowledge between the Northern and Southern shores of the Mediterranean. Managed by the EBU-Eurovision central desk in Geneva and coordinated by the Algerian national broadcaster EPTV, the ERN-Med allows its public TV members to mutually draw on a varied Euro-Mediterranean agenda, as well as to offer a diversified number of news of regional interest dealing with cultural events – festivals, religious feasts, traditional celebrations, international conferences, etc.
The ERN-Med Prize - In 2016, the involved news coordinators, together with COPEAM, EBU and ASBU, decided to launch a new initiative: the “ERN-Med Prize”, which awards every year the best exchanged news item on a topic of common interest related to the last annual conference of COPEAM. The Jury (composed by representatives of the three networks) evaluates the competing news according to specific criteria that are the editorial weight and journalistic value, the technical quality, the promotion of dialogue and their regional dimension. Since its institution, the Prize has met its goals of further stimulating the participation of the member televisions and of rewarding their best efforts in both quantity and quality terms.
- The four editions of the ERN-Med Prize

- The ERN-Med functioning