The new governance of COPEAM

The General Assembly of COPEAM, held in Naples on April 19 2024, was called to elect the new governance of the Association for the next two-year mandate.

All the expiring Organizations were reconfirmed, with the sole exception of the Algerian EPTV, which returns to be part of the Steering Committee and that we warmly welcome in this new position.

Furthermore, in addition to the General Secretary Claudio Cappon and his deputy Paola Parri, both also reconfirmed for the next 4 years, COPEAM has a new President: the Lebanese Karim Abdallah, CEO of IND Group, a parent company to Mysat- global Pay TV platform and affiliate to Jordan Media City.

Having worked in the media industry for over three decades, Mr. Abdallah has an extensive knowledge of the media landscape in the Mediterranean countries and Gulf region, and a proved experience in managing international broadcast partnerships across the Americas, Europe and Australasia.

With his career initiated at CNN International during the Gulf war, he had the opportunity to conclude unprecedented distribution and rebroadcast deals with all major terrestrial broadcasters in the Middle East, North Africa and Gulf region.  Moving forward as an Executive Vice-President of Arab Radio and Television in 1995, the first Arabic Pay TV Network of general entertainment & thematic channels to broadcast in the Arab World, he also led several in house production centres across the Middle East and Italy.

I will be using my relationship with key media players in the Euro-Mediterranean area and the Gulf region to broaden COPEAM’s cooperation opportunities.  As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, it is essential for COPEAM to build strong alliances with new media partners in the MENA region. Those media alliances are vital for promoting dialogue and cultural integration in the Mediterranean region and the Gulf. 

I shall work on enhancing COPEAM’s role in empowering the younger generations of journalists with equal opportunities and resources to overcome the challenges for delivering unbiased media and factual news. With technological advancements constantly reshaping how content is consumed, it is crucial for COPEAM to stay ahead of the curve. 
My commitment to fostering diversity and inclusivity within our organization aligns with COPEAM's core values. By promoting cultural exchange and collaboration among broadcasters and media entities in Europe and MENA region we can create more balance and harmony in an ever-unstable world”.

Clear and ambitious objectives for our new Chairman, to whom we wish all the best for his future mission!