24th International URTI Radio Grand Prix : call for entries

URTI is the first International Radio-TV Grand Prix with 81 participating countries in 2011. For its 24th edition, the International URTI Radio Grand Prix launches a call for entries on the theme: “ LOVE ”.
Each organization is invited to present one or two programmes for the competition (possible rate of one or two programmes per channel at the most for public and private radio organisations).

Rewarding efforts of research and originality the International URTI Radio Grand Prix is endowed with an amount of 5,000$ (five thousand dollars).

A few important points of the rules:

- The URTI prix is open free of charge to any radio broadcasting organisation or association and institution which devotes itself to the audiovisual.
- Length of the programmes: 60 minutes maximum.
- Programmes should be entered in original version. A script of each programme should necessarily be provided in French or in English if the proposed version is not in one of these two languages.
- The programmes must be sent on CD or registered directly on the URTI website.

You can register your programmes by sending us back the enclosed entry form or directly from our Web site where you can find the rules.

The entry forms and the programmes will have to be sent on Monday 3 September 2012 at the latest.

You will find attached the official letter, an entry form and the rules of the International URTI Radio Grand Prix.

Feel free to contact the URTI team for further information: nlacroix@urti.org