30th URTI International Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary – Arman Trophy

The Jury of the 30th URTI International Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary announced its prize-winners’s list in Monaco on Tuesday, June 7th 2011. This Jury, chaired by Dora Bouchoucha, Tunisian producer of international renown, was made up of representatives of fifteen nationalities. 223 documentaries were presented in the competition by 140 television channels from 64 different countries. The prizes were awarded in the framework of the Monte-Carlo Television Festival during a ceremony organised at the Hotel Hermitage.

GRAND PRIX: Body and Soul

Presented by: TVM Televisao de Moçambique (Mozambique)
Directed by: Matthieu Bron
Version: original with French subtitles – 2010 – 56’

The 30th Urti International Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary – Arman Trophy is given to the film « Body and soul » for the strength of the rejoicing treatment of the theme of physical handicap and the perception of it given to us.

Silver Medal: The paths of Memory

Presented by: RTBF (Belgique)
Directed by: José Luis Peñafuerte
Version: original with French subtitles - 2009 – 54’

The Silver Medal is given to the film « The paths of Memory » for the work of restitution of the memory confiscated to the Spanish people during 40 years and which finds an echo in the present approach of the Societies on their way to democracy.

Bronze Medal: The Road to Diyarbekir

Presented by: Apimed (Espagne)
Directed by: Ahmed Zaradasht
Version: original with English subtitles – 2010 – 56’

The Bronze Medal is given to the film « The Road to Diyarbekir » which shows the singer Ciwan Haco, international star who personifies the recognition of the Kurdish culture while living, in his familly the simplest, the most human daily life.

Martine Filippi Award for Discovery: Destructive Beast

Presented by: Yemen TV (Yemen)
Directed by: Khadija Al-Salami
Version: original with English subtitles - 2010 – 42’

The Martine Filippi Award for discovery underlines the daring of the enquiry led by the director who sheds a crude light on the phenomenon of ordinary corruption wildly spread at every level of Yemeni society.

Created in 1949, URTI is the first international broadcast organisation. This professional union organises television and radio programme exchanges, Grand Prix of international renown, coproductions, training workshops and actions for the promotion of world audiovisual creation. In 2010, URTI stays at the first rank of international radio-television grand prix with 64 participating countries.