Record of participation for the 30th edition of the International URTI Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary

The 30th edition of the International URTI Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary set a new record of participation with 223 documentaries presented by 140 international television channels representing 64 countries.

The Union thus confirms its place at the first rank of international audiovisual Grand Prizes.

The pre-selection jury meeting in Paris from April 18 until 21, 2011, selected the ten programmes which got the statute of finalist:

· Belgium / Belgique : Les chemins de la Mémoire (RTBF, by José Luis Penafuerte)

· Egypt / Egypte : 18 jours (ERTU, by Anan Abdo Ali Hassan)

· Spain / Espagne : La Route de Diyarbekir (Apimed, by Ahmed Zaradasht)

· France : L’âme en sang (Arte France, by Olivier Morel)

· Hungary / Hongrie : Guards of Spirits (MTV, by Nagy Richárd)

· Italy / Italie : Iran about (RAI, by Emilio Casalini)

· Mauritania / Mauritanie : Le train de l’Espoir (TVM - CIRTEF, by M. Salem Lemrabott)

· Mozambique : Corps et âme (TVM Televisão de Moçambique, by Matthieu Bron)

· Paraguay : Paraguay à la une (Canal 13, Teledifusora Paraguay, by Ricardo Alvarez)

· Yemen / Yémen : Destructive Beast (Yemen TV, by Khadija Al-Salami)

These finalist programmes will be viewed from June 5 until 7, 2011, by a final jury, made up of professionals from about twenty countries, in the framework of the Monte Carlo International Television Festival.

The ceremony announcing the results of this grand prix, endowed with 10,000 Dollars, will take place on Monday, June 7 at the Hermitage Hotel (Monte-Carlo).

Created in 1949, URTI is the oldest audiovisual organisation and the only one entirely dedicated to the international. This professional union organizes exchanges of television and radio programmes, Grand Prix of international renown, co-productions, training workshops and actions for the promotion of world audiovisual creation.