URTI calls for its programmes exchange platform

URTI (International Radio and Television University) celebrates its sixtieth anniversary and shows its will to answer even better to the needs of its members by offering them a exchange platform for right-free quality programmes to supply to their channels.

These exchanges allow the broadcasters involved to save important amounts of money by ordering free quality programmes. They also assure an international distribution for the right-free programmes offered by each broadcaster.

After having made legal, technical, and editorial audits of its catalogue, URTI is going to rework soon its website (http://www.urti.org) to ease the choice of the programmes amongst the 1700 right-free documentaries available.

In accordance with the decision of the Television Commission of URTI's members, that decided to increase theprogrammes categories accepted for theexchange, the interested broadcasters are welcome to send as soon as possible their offers of programmes which must::

- be right-free
- match one of the three following subjects: documentaries, children's programmes and culture (interviews, portraits,…)
- as far as possible be provided with their scripts and without an inserted logo
- be provided with the entry form here enclosed before the deadline of September 30th 2009

The list of the new programmes accepted for the 2010 catalogue of URTI will be established during the next Television Commission that will meet from Monday 9th until Saturday 14th November 2009 at the kind invitation of RTBF (Belgium).