MALTA: COPEAM annual Conference (26-28 March 2015)
Posted on October 20th, 2014 by admin
Training workshop on cultural journalism
Posted on October 10th, 2014 by admin

Malta, 29 September - 3 October, 2014
The first training workshop on cultural journalism, organised by COPEAM and PBS, was held in Malta from 29 September to 3 October, 2014. 11 journalists from RTVSH/Albania, GPB/Georgia, RAI/Italia, PBS/Malta, PBC/Palestine, Radio Romania, TVR/Romania and TRT/Turkey participated in this 4-day practical workshop and produced together a [...]
COPEAM prize to the documentary "Tiny souls" and launch of a new TV co-production on "Stories of Refugees"
Posted on September 21st, 2014 by admin

Turin, 20 September 2014
A workshop COPEAM - Prix Italia - Limes on "The point of view of the South: the media reporting stories of refugees and of displaced people", took place on 20 September in Turin, in the framework of the 66th edition of Prix Italia. The session was moderated by Lucio Caracciolo, [...]
2014 COPEAM annual Conference
Posted on April 29th, 2014 by admin

The 21st annual conference of COPEAM took place in Tunis, from 10 to 13 April, organized in collaboration with Radio Tunisienne and under the High Patronage of the Presidency of the Republic of Tunisia.
Several renown personalities from all the Mediterranean area gathered around the theme: “Mediterranean: reshaping cooperation”, discussing [...]
Something in COPEAM has changed
Posted on October 16th, 2013 by admin
ASBU-EBU-COPEAM tripartite meeting
Posted on April 13th, 2014 by admin

Tunis, 13 April 2014
Following the 20th General Assembly of COPEAM, the three Unions ASBU-EBU-COPEAM gathered as usual to make an assessment on the common activities and of the joint cooperation projects.
This time, in Tunis, the respective representatives discussed about the TV co-productions, namely of the forthcoming 1st workshop of Inter-Rives IV series, [...]
The Binmen of the Mediterranean #2nd edition
Posted on May 5th, 2014 by admin

The second edition of The Binmen of the Med took place successfully on May 24. This radio and environmental event initiated by the Algerian Radio ENRS aims to raise the audience’s awareness around such ecological annual rendez-vous mobilizing thousands of volunteers on the costal cleaning in the countries of the participating radios.
The [...]
COPEAM for... Plural+ Video Festival 2014
Posted on May 22nd, 2014 by admin

COPEAM supports the 2014 PLURAL+ Video Festival, organized by UNAOC and IOM, in cooperation with a wide number of international partners.
Young video makers from around the world submitted over 200 short videos expressing their experiences and thoughts on migration, diversity and social inclusion.
A prestigious international jury will select the winning videos for each [...]
COPEAM at 2014 UNESCO World Press Freedom Day
Posted on May 29th, 2014 by admin

Paris, 5 May 2014
Last May, in the framework of the 2014 UNESCO World Press Freedom Day, COPEAM took part in a round-table focusing on the Transition to Public Service Media in the Southern Mediterranean, devoted to the contribution of the national media to fostering democracy, diversity and progress in society and to their [...]
COPEAM for 2014 Mediterranean Journalist Award
Posted on July 10th, 2014 by admin

London, 15 October 2014
COPEAM renews its media partnership with the Anna Lindh Foundation in the framework of the 8th edition of the Mediterranean Journalist Award, aimed at recognizing the positive role played by the media in reporting on issues of cultural diversity and providing balanced information on such subjects.
COPEAM is also [...]

INTER-RIVES 4: “Sports without borders”
Posted on April 15th, 2014 by admin

The new edition of the COPEAM-ASBU coproduction « Inter-Rives », officially started in Tunis on April 15th.
After the focus on Arts, on the glances of children and on the new generations’ dreams, Inter-Rives is now devoted to Sports and its cross-cultural values, hence its title: “Sports without borders”.
The 1st workshop - [...]
The Mediterranean Marine Parks enters its final phase
Posted on August 29th, 2014 by admin

The new COPEAM co-production devoted to the Mediterranean Marine Parks and developed thanks to the support of the French Marine Protected Areas Agency enters its final phase.
After the workshops held in Marseille (October 2013) and in Madrid (February 2014), the executive production of the series is collecting all contributions from the [...]
Posted on August 29th, 2014 by admin

MusicaMed is the new magazine of COPEAM Radio Commission on air from September 2014.
Devoted to the contemporary Mediterranean music, this mainstream weekly programme will offer to the general public the opportunity to share and discover the musical diversity of the Mediterranean basin through a punctual selection made by the partner radios: Radio [...]
Joussour beyond the Euro-Med borders
Posted on August 29th, 2014 by admin

After the interest expressed by several broadcasters from the North-Europe (ZDF/Germany, YLEISRADIO OY/Finland), the Gulf area (Bahrain, Yemen) and Australia (SBS) about the Joussour co-production, this series of 12 docu-mags on environment will be soon distributed throughout Latin America thanks to the agreement recently signed by COPEAM and the network TAL -Televisión América Latina (www.http://tal.tv). [...]
Towards a Libyan broadcasting public service
Posted on March 22nd, 2014 by admin

Rome, 19 February - 7 March 2014
COPEAM was the promoter of a training course for journalists and operators of the Libyan National Channel, organized in collaboration with the University of Rome La Sapienza and RAI-Radiotelevisione italiana.
This initiative took place in Rome from 19 February to 7 March 2014, thanks to a funding from the [...]
2nd forum on “Training – Media – Mediterranean”
Posted on March 19th, 2014 by admin

Ankara, 17 – 18 March 2014
COPEAM organised the second forum on “Training – Media – Mediterranean” which took place again in Ankara, upon the kind invitation of TRT – Turkish Radio and Television – on 17 and 18 March 2014.
After the success of the first edition, the training and HR managers from COPEAM broadcaster [...]
Balkans’ Memory close to its final step
Posted on May 29th, 2014 by admin