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“Inter-Rives 10 – The Power of Art: Creativity for Change”

Inter Rives is turning 10! In March 2024, COPEAM and ASBU launched the 10th edition of this Euro-Arab project, with a call for participation open to all their member TVs.

With the chosen title of The Power of Art: Creativity for Change, Inter Rives 10 aims to highlight powerful stories of artists all around the Mediterranean region who use their creativity to challenge stereotypes and foster positive change, addressing important topics such as gender equality, minorities’ inclusion, environmental protection and youth empowerment.
Each partner TV will produce a documentary of 13’ on the agreed topic….

PRIX ITALIA – IFAD – COPEAM Special Prize 2024

For the third year running, we are glad to confirm the agreement between Prix Italia, IFAD and COPEAM by which a Special Prize will be awarded to the best Radio, TV or multimedia programme in competition, able to narrate the impact of technological innovation on improving the quality of our lives, transforming current food systems and favouring inclusive and sustainable economic growth for a food-secure future.

Wars, climate change and poverty afflict agricultural communities in many countries on a daily basis. New techs can help rural communities for a more sustainable, resilient, equitable and…

“Reporting Climate Change – Microcredentials for international journalists” – new edition of the e-learning programme

The call for candidature for the new edition of the e-learning programme “Reporting Climate Change – Microcredentials for international journalists”, developed by COPEAM and Uninettuno University with the support of the Italian Ministry of University and Research, is now open.

This multilingual, postgraduate academic programme has been specifically designed to enhance the reporting skills of journalists on Climate Change and environment related issues.

It will be open to a group of selected media professionals from Europe, the Balkans, the MENA Region and Sub-Saharan Africa, who, under completion of the course, will obtain a SLP…


COPEAM partner of 2024 PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival

PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival is a joint initiative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) that invites the world’s youth to submit original and creative videos focusing on the themes of migration, diversity and social inclusion. By supporting the distribution of youth-produced media, PLURAL+ recognizes youth as powerful agents of positive social change in a world often characterized by intolerance, and cultural and religious divisions.

Click here for more info and submit your video

COPEAM partner of 2024 PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival

“Effective Reporting on Migration”: a follow-up webinar gathered the two E3J trainings’ beneficiaries

7 May 2024 

In the framework of the EU-funded project E3J (European Excellence Exchange in Journalism), on 7 May 2024, COPEAM organized a webinar gathering the two groups of beneficiaries who previously took part in the trainings “Effective Reporting on Migration”, held in 2023 in Belgrade (February) and Madrid (November).

The webinar, conducted by Charles Autheman (lead expert) highlighted the key features of both COPEAM trainings: “The Balkan route, images, mixed migration” and “Labour migration in the agri-food sector“.

Moreover, the online meeting was the occasion to present new relevant training topics in this…

“Effective Reporting on Migration”: a follow-up webinar gathered the two E3J trainings’ beneficiaries

2nd Peer-to-Peer workshop on portrayal of women and men in political coverage

Rome, 19/20 February 2024

The 2nd workshop of peer-to-peer program on portrayal of women and men in political coverage was held in Rome on 19 and 20 February hosed by Rai-Radiotelevisione italiana.

During 2 intense days of work, the representatives of 6 public service broadcasters and 6 journalist unions exchanged about challenges, priorities, and progress in implementing the strategies each of them drafted following the 1st meeting held in Madrid last November.

The production of guidelines for editorial staff intended to avoid stereotypes, the organization of training modules for various professional profiles, the…

2nd Peer-to-Peer workshop on portrayal of women and men in political coverage

Members' news

The 24th Session of the Arab Radio and TV Festival

The Arab Radio and TV Festival is considered as the oldest and most prestigious media, artistic, and technological event in the Arab world. Since its establishment in 1981, it has been one of the most significant events organized by the Arab States Broadcasting Union. It continues to receive growing interest with each edition, standing out as a prominent event that highlights ASBU diverse and multi-faceted annual activities, becoming a highly regarded event that attracts attention within the Arab region and beyond.

Objectives of the Festival :

  • Contributing to the development and promotion of…

The 24th Session of the Arab Radio and TV Festival

URTI 2024 Grand Prix – Last Call for Entries

Finale deadline: Friday, May 31 2024!

  • 43rd International URTI Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary;
  • 36th International URTI Radio Grand Prix with the theme, “Radio: A century informing, entertaining and educating ” (Theme chosen by the 2024 World Radio Day & UNESCO, and celebrated on February 13th).


For those who have not yet registered their programmes: 

  • The URTI competition is open free of charge to any TV channel/Radio station or cultural organisation/association/institution which devotes itself to the audiovisual media,
  • URTI Grand Prix award: 500$ (five hundred dollars),
  • Programmes should be entered in their original version,
  • A script of each programme must be provided either in French or in English if the proposed version is not in one of these two languages,
  • The files of your programmes will be sent via internet.


You can register your programmes by sending us back the enclosed entry form or directly:

URTI 2024 Grand Prix – Last Call for Entries

2nd Edition of the Mediterranean Awards

The Junta de Andalucía (Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain), through the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation, is pleased to present the call for the 2nd Edition of the Mediterranean Awards, under the auspices of the Intermediterranean Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions.

– Detailed information on the different award categories and their modalities mentioned above can be found on the website

– Candidates may submit nominations or be nominated by a third party in one or both of the two existing categories.

– Applications may be submitted by filling in the application form available on…

2nd Edition of the Mediterranean Awards