COPEAM partner of the Global Media Peace Awards

COPEAM is partner - together with the broadcasing unions ASBU, AUB, CBU and with URTI - of the Global Media Peace Awards, an initiative aimed to encourage and support peace-building efforts on a global scale. These awards will recognize the most innovative and remarkable radio, video/television and digital programs/ contents/ stories focused on conflict prevention and resolution.


  • Encourage media journalists and producers to promote peace and sustainable development through innovative media programs highlighting the significance of peace keeping, conflict prevention and conflict resolution.
  • Inspire the general public, young people in particular, about the importance of peace-making, mutual understanding, commitment to preventing crises as well as solidarity for resolving conflicts and safeguarding our planet.
  • Foster the capacity of media creators and producers to engage themselves in peace-building and sustainable development.
  • Showcase the originality and importance of the subject – conflict prevention and resolution – and its treatment, which must be reflected in the innovative and impactful approach of the programs. 

Click here to have all the useful information about the competition.

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