World Radio Day

13 February is a date proclaimed by UNESCO to celebrate radio broadcast, improve international cooperation among radio broadcasters and encourage decision-makers to create and provide access to information through radio, including community radios. It’s an occasion to draw attention to the unique value of radio, which remains the medium to reach the widest audience and is currently taking up new technological forms and devices.

UNESCO encourages all countries to celebrate this Day by undertaking activities with diverse partners, such as national, regional and international broadcasting associations and organizations, non-governmental organizations, media organizations, outlets as well as the public…

31st International URTI Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary Arman Trophy


URTI organizes, with the support of UNESCO and the entirety of the international audiovisual organizations, the first audiovisual International Grand Prix. 81 countries were thus represented for the 2011 edition.

In television, the International URTI Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary enjoys a great renown thanks to an important participation and to selected programmes of quality (223 documentaries selected in competition by 140 channels in 2011).

Each television channel can register for free one or two documentaries.


Grand Prix URTI:…

COPEAM is media partner of the project L’Approdo. Opera all’Umanità Migrante, (“Landing. Tribute for Migrant umanity”). The initiative, raised from an idea of the Istituto di Culture Mediterranee of the Provincia di Lecce, has turned
the Albanian guard ship Kater I Rades into an artistic work dedicated to the migrants lost at sea on the 28th March 1997.
The project coordination was assigned to the Greek sculptor Costas Varotsos, one of the major and internationally renowned contemporary artists.

Many artists from different disciplines have been involved in the project.
Starting from the “Good Friday tragedy”,…

ASBU-COPEAM-EBU tripartite 2011

In the framework of the 31st General Assembly, on 16th December 2011, in Tunis, ASBU hosted the tripartite meeting with COPEAM and EBU.
Considering the events which marked the Mediterranean region in 2011, the participants debated on the strategic actions carried out or to be developed by the three Unions to support the members from the countries in transition.
In addition, a focus was made on the sport rights matter and on its evolution following the debate initiated in Paris at the 17th COPEAM Conference.
The training activities were also discussed during the last trilateral meeting:…

ASBU-COPEAM-EBU tripartite 2011

In the framework of the 31st General Assembly, on 16th December 2011, in Tunis, ASBU hosted the tripartite meeting with COPEAM and EBU.
Considering the events which marked the Mediterranean region in 2011, the participants debated on the strategic actions carried out or to be developed by the three Unions to support the members from the countries in transition.
In addition, a focus was made on the sport rights matter and on its evolution following the debate initiated in Paris at the 17th COPEAM Conference.
The training activities were also discussed during the last trilateral meeting:…

Venice, 25 November 2011

The 2011 edition of VINC, the annual all-news channels meeting organized by COPEAM, Rai-News and Rai Venezia, in collaboration with Eutelsat, was held in Venice (Palazzo Labia), on the 25th November 2011.

This edition was focused on the topic “The 21st century challenges: Black Gold, Blue Gold…White Gold”: a growing number of news operators, distribution platforms and content providers are shaping the new-century global media landscape. In this complex and changing environment, information is a more and more strategic asset, a new kind of “gold” moving both economic and…