During the last weeks, COPEAM invited journalists from its Mediterranean public radio and TV broadcasters’ network to join the communication campaign “Media in the time of a pandemic”. With a view to sharing useful information on how a community of professionals from all over the region is coping with the extraordinary circumstances brought by the Covid19 emergency, more than 20 short video-testimonies have been collected so far and disseminated through Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, with a frequency of four videos per week since the end of March. Cov19 represents a global danger and a common challenge at many levels. For the…

Media & Science: accurate information in the age of denialisms


23 October 2020

COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators) 27th annual Conference, dedicated to  Media and science: accurate information in the age of denialisms” and organized in partnership with Rai-Radiotelevisione Italiana and with the support of Eni, took place last October 23. Audiovisual professionals and international delegates from all over the Mediterranean region attended the works, which were held online due to the current health emergency.

The event was inaugurated with a welcome message by Mr….

Rome/Perugia (Italy), 3-6 December 2019

With the aim to enhance the capacities of TV and radio journalists to report on sports topics, RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana – in collaboration with COPEAM and in partnership with ASBU – organized a 4-day workshop from 3 to 6 December 2019, at the Centro Italiano di Studi Superiori per la Formazione e l’Aggiornamento in Giornalismo Radiotelevisivo of Perugia.

14 journalists coming from 12 broadcasters of COPEAM network and from 10 countries (Balkans, Southern Mediterranean and Middle East) took part in this international training.

Starting from the belief that…

Lisbon, 25-26 November 2019

This year’s edition of the Lisbon Forum – organized by the North/South Centre of the Council of Europe at the Ismaili Centre – has represented a great opportunity to reflect on the relation between development and human rights, the rule of law and democracy and their implications for the global achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).                
Journalists from COPEAM’s network – Radio Tunisienne, EPRS Algérie, RTVE Spain and SNRT Morocco – have extensively covered this 25th edition with news, radio and video interviews and other media content to…

In the framework of its renewed cooperation with INA, the French national audiovisual Institute, COPEAM is glad to announce the upcoming third session of FRAME, INA’s training course on audiovisual archiving management. This year, the course will be hosted by the Romanian public broadcaster TVR and will take place from 18 to 22 November 2019. Co-funded by the EU Creative Europe programme and organized in the partnership with the FIAT/IFTA and EBU Academy, FRAME addresses international audiovisual professionals to strengthen their capacities in this specific technical domain.

The application procedure to FRAME…

COPEAM 26th annual Conference and 25th General Assembly were held in Split, Croatia, on 4-6 April 2019. The event, hosted by the Croatian Radio and Television HRT and with the support of Eni, brought together the broadcasters’ top managers from the Mediterranean basin, professionals of the audiovisual and cultural sectors and representatives of institutions and international organizations of the region.

On Thursday 4 April, following the COPEAM Steering Committee meeting, a projection of “A première vue” took place, devoted to the best short films of our associated cinema schools’ students.

The following day,

Kantara: the 20th season on air

The whole team of Kantara has returned to studios and to on-the-field reports for a particular season: the 20-year season.

It is an important challenge, since Kantara is an irreplaceable programme bringing together – around the French language and a shared writing – strategic partners of the Mediterranean audiovisual cooperation.

Following a renewal of its operational running in 2017, the magazine has resumed its weekly rhythm around a new format that gives more space and responsibilities to all co-producers.

This 20th season is an opportunity for this magazine to open ever more to the Mediterranean….

ASBU-COPEAM-EBU tripartite meeting

Tunis, 12 December 2018

On December 12, in the framework of ASBU General Assembly, the ASBU-COPEAM-EBU tripartite meeting took place in Tunis, during which the representatives of the three Associations made an year-end review of the joint cooperation activities.

In the field of training, the success of the workshop on Cultural Journalism – organized by Rai in Perugia (Italy) earlier this month and addressed to the professionals members of COPEAM and ASBU – was highlighted, as the rich number of TVs participating in the 7th edition of Inter-Rives on “Harbour cities: places of exchanges and stories“,…

Rome/Perugia (Italy), 3-7 December 2018

With the aim to reinforce the skills of journalists from the Maghreb and Balkans TV members of COPEAM on cultural journalism, RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana organized, in collaboration with COPEAM and in partnership with ASBU, a 5-day workshop in Italy, between Rome and Perugia, from 3 to 7 December 2018.

The workshop, allying theoretical training and practical exercises and relying on the competences and experience of journalists and directors working in this field, aimed at:

  • Raising beneficiaries’ awareness on the strategic importance of cultural and artistic promotion on…