Developing and sustaining your film festival

Marrakech, 8th- 9th December 2014
With the view to setting up an exchange and support network for the Mediterranean audiovisual and film festivals, COPEAM organised, on the 8 and 9 December, a professional meeting around the theme ”Developing and sustaining your film festival”, in collaboration with ESAV Marrakech and with the support of the Euromed Audiovisual III EU programme.
Through working, debating and networking sessions, this training-meeting brought together 12 managers and organisers of Mediterranean festivals, offering a space of presentation and exchange of good practices on the problems encountered by this kind of events.

In the…

Radio Commission meeting

Marseille, 23-24 October 2015

Last 23 and 24 October at the Villa Méditerranée of Marseille, COPEAM organized a meeting of its Radio Commission. This was the occasion to gather the representatives of the member radios to discuss about the ongoing activities and to fix the priorities for the forthcoming steps in the Euro-Mediterranean radio cooperation field.

The participants made also an assessment of the weekly magazines coproduced under the aegis of COPEAM: Kantara, Mediterradio and MusicaMed.

This meeting took place in the framework of the Médi-Médias event: The Mediterranean of the media, organized by…

Geneva, 7-10 December 2015

From 7 to 10 December 2015, COPEAM took part in two main events on gender and media organised at Palais des Nations in Geneva.

The first one was the “International development cooperation meeting on gender and media”, organized by UNESCO in cooperation with the Government of Greece, GAMAG (Global Alliance on Media And gender), ITU, UN Women, OHCHR and other UN organizations.

The event was followed by the first General Assembly of GAMAG. Launched in Bangkok two years ago, the Alliance gathered, in its first Assembly, stakeholders and members from…

SouthMed WiA project: first field activity

Tunis, 6-9 November 2017

In synergy with the Film Festival of Carthage, one of the main cinema events in the Southern Mediterranean side,  the SouthMed WiA project – co-funded by the EU (MedFilm Regional Programme) and aimed at promoting gender equality and women presence in the South-Med countries’ audiovisual sector – organised its first field activities in Tunis, from 6 to 9 November.

The young beneficiaries of the sub-grants that were awarded following the first call for projects launched in the framework of this action – coming from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia – have been…

COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators) has chosen Tunis for a large range of initiatives intended to promote gender equality the audiovisual cooperation in the South-Mediterranean shore.

In synergy with the Film Festival of Carthage, one of the main cinema events of the Southern side, the SouthMed WiA project – co-funded by the EU (MedFilm Regional Programme) and aimed at promoting gender equality and women presence in the South-Med countries’ audiovisual sector –organised its first field activities in Tunis, from 6 to 9 November.

 The young beneficiaries of the sub-grants awarded following the first…

Rome, 27-28 November 2017

The second and final workshop of the COPEAM-ASBU Inter-Rives TV coproduction “Creative memory: the past meets the future” was hosted by COPEAM in Rome, on 27 and 28 November 2017. The filmmakers appointed by the 10 coproducing TVs – EPTV-Algeria, ENMA-Egypt, HRT-Croatia, RAI-Italy, RTVE-Spain, PBC-Palestine, RTSH-Albania, SNRT-Morocco, Tunisian Television, TRT-Turkey – together with two experts, Markus Nikel and Mustapha Mellouk, attended the meeting to show and analyse each documentary rough cuts to be then finalised and exchanged at the beginning of 2018.

According to the series’ format and main…

Generation What? is the largest cross-media programme ever made, aiming at putting the millennial generation under the spotlights so as to achieve its portrait worldwide. Thanks to the financing of the European Union, Generation What? will be putting the youth of 8 South Mediterranean countries at the centre of the debate for the next 6 months.

The project will be launched on March 14th in Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia. It will be launched on April 11th in Egypt, Libya, and Palestine. 

Each participating country has its own website. The…

The new Inter-Rives TV documentary coproduction “Creative memory: the past meets the future”, promoted by COPEAM and ASBU, is ready for broadcast. The filmmakers appointed by the 10 coproducing TVs – EPTV/Algeria, HRT/Croatia, NMA/Egypt, PBC/Palestine, RAI/Italy, RTSH/Albania, RTVE/Spain, SNRT/Morocco, TRT/Turkey, Tunisian Television – have attended the two exchange workshops (Tunis and Rome) and completed their documentaries, according to the series’ format and main topic.

Focusing on young people who have been able to creatively and innovatively exploit the cultural heritage of their countries, to favour job opportunities, to promote sustainable tourism, to recover local sites and support old…