The Commission carries on its campaign on the new media through the meeting “Mimosa and jasmine. Women and web in the squares of the Arab world”, organised in collaboration with the GIO (Gender Inter-university Observatory) for a better understanding of the reasons of women participation in the Arab popular revolutions and the role played by the new media.
The meeting was broadcast in streaming on three web TV (, and and animated on line on the Facebook page “Mediterranean Women”.

Francesca Brezzi – President of GIO (Gender Interuniversity Observatory)
Loredana Cornero -…

Terramed Plus

TERRAMED PLUS project – submitted to the European Commission by an international partnership having RAI as leader – is co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the Programme Euromed Audiovisual III.

Watch the project’s trailer

The activities envisaged by the project, launched on the 1st March 2011, will be implemented within 30 months. TERRAMED PLUS gathers seven broadcaster partners from the North and the South of the Euro-Mediterranean region: RAI, supported by COPEAM in the international coordination of the action, ARTE France, the Algerian public television EPTV,…

EBU TRAINING Master Class: 3D TV production

3D TV production

Get ready for a new dimension in television

28-29 January 2011
Twickenham Film Studios, London, United Kingdom


Get your hands on and practise with the best quality 3D equipment in this exclusive
interactive Master Class

Decipher all that 3D jargon and what it really means.

Grab all the tricks and tips to get your 3D pictures right.

Practise by shooting your own sequences.

Discuss shooting live events versus studio

27th November 2010
Palazzo Labia ‐ Sede Rai

The all‐news channels meeting was launched in 2005 as an occasion for the main information players to gather and exchange views. Organized by COPEAM (network of the Euro‐Mediterranean audiovisual operators), RaiNews24 and Rai Venezia, in 2007 this rendez‐vous chose the City of Venice as its premises and becomes VINC – Venice International News Conference, thanks to the collaboration of the Venetian local institutions.

VINC 2010 edition ‐ “Global fears, global hopes”

Global fears, global hopes: in an even more connected and inter‐dependent world,…

27th November 2010
Palazzo Labia ‐ Sede Rai

The all‐news channels meeting was launched in 2005 as an occasion for the main information players to gather and exchange views. Organized by COPEAM (network of the Euro‐Mediterranean audiovisual operators), RaiNews24 and Rai Venezia, in 2007 this rendez‐vous chose the City of Venice as its premises and becomes VINC – Venice International News Conference, thanks to the collaboration of the Venetian local institutions.

VINC 2010 edition ‐ “Global fears, global hopes”

Global fears, global hopes: in an even more connected and inter‐dependent world,…

Before starting the home stretch of Euromed-News, the project partners met in Amman on the 6 and 7 July, upon the invitation of the JRTV, in order to make a joint final appraisal of the activities carried out in this framework. On the same occasion, a press conference was co-organised by the project leader France Télévisions and the Jordanian television to announce the outcomes achieved.

Read the outline of the press conference for the Euromed-News project.

Cairo, 23 June 2010 The launch of the project for the Euro-Mediterranean TV channel and the promising results of the cooperation between COPEAM and ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union) were the focus of COPEAM Secretary General’s speech on the occasion of the opening of the 43rd ordinary session of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information, held in Cairo on 23rd June 2010. The necessity of an opening towards the rest of the world and of promoting intercultural dialogue and peace was highlighted, among other matters, by the Arab League Secretary General, Mr. Amr Moussa. In this framework, Ms. Alessandra…

Cairo, 23rd, June 2010
The launch of the Mediterranean TV channel project, the promising results of the cooperation between COPEAM and ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union): two main topics in the COPEAM Secretary General speech at the opening of the 43rd ordinary session of the Council of the Arab Information Ministers.

Many important topics related to the common Arab media action were handled in the debates of the 43rd ordinary session of the Council of the Arab Information Ministers organized in Cairo, on 23rd June 2010.

The Secretary General of the Arab League, Mr….