Algiers/Tipaza, 16-19 January 2017

The training/production workshop for journalists on the topic “Media in favour of female entrepreneurs” took place in Algeria from 16 to 19 January 2017. Organized by COPEAM in collaboration with the EPRS (the Algerian Public Radio), with the support of the French Embassy in Algeria (Service for Cooperation and Cultural Action) and the UNESCO Office for the Maghreb, it was addressed to a group of 15 journalists from the Algerian public radio and television and the APS-Algeria Press Service.

The initiative aimed to enhance women’s contribution to the Algerian economy through the production of…

Media in favour of female entrepreneurs

A training/production workshop for journalists on the topic “Media in favour of female entrepreneurs”, will take place in Algiers from 15 to 19 January 2017, organized by COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators) and EPRS (the Algerian Public Radio), with the support of the French Embassy in Algeria (Service for Cooperation and Cultural Action) and the UNESCO/Office for the Maghreb.

The workshop addresses a group of 18 journalists from the Algerian public radio and television and from the web newsroom of the APS-Algeria Press Service.

Three experts – Moulkheir Boussaidane, news editor…

Tripartite meeting ASBU-COPEAM-EBU

Hammamet, 17 December 2016   

As usual, in the framework of the annual  General Assembly of ASBU, the representatives of ASBU, of COPEAM and of the EBU gathered together to make an assessment of their common activities and to launch new initiatives in 2017.

In particular, they announced the achievement of the ASBU-COPEAM coproduction Inter-Rives 5, whose quality was underlined by the Heads of both Organisations, who presented also the sixth edition of the series which will focus on the Youth creativity related to the Mediterranean cultural heritage.

The coming year will begin with…

PLURAL+ 2016: COPEAM special prize

COPEAM renews, for the 2016 edition, its support to the PLURAL+ Video Festival, organized by UNAOC and IOM, in cooperation with a wide number of international partners. The main goal of this competition is to give voice to young video makers expressing their experiences and thoughts on migration, diversity and social inclusion.

Over 300 short videos from 64 countries around the world have been submitted this year in the three categories grouped by age (9-12, 13-17, 18-25). For this edition, COPEAM decided to assign its special prize to “Unfinished Tales: Fool’s Paradise” by Hussam Ismail (Jordan) with…

Renewal of COPEAM Steering bodies

In the framework of the 22nd General  Assembly, COPEAM Steering bodies were renewed: Talal  El  Makdessi – Chairman of  Téléliban – was  confirmed as President for a second mandate; Claudio Cappon – former RAI Director General and Vice-President of  EBU  (European  Broadcasting  Union) – was elected as Secretary General, and Paola  Parri,  COPEAM  coordinator, as Deputy Secretary General. The Vice-presidencies were entrusted to EPTV (Algeria), RADIO FRANCE (France), RTVE (Spain) and TRT (Turkey).

Alessandra Paradisi (RAI) and Raouf El Housseini (Tunisian Radio) were confirmed respectively as Chairs of the Strategic Committee and of the Financial Committee.

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The partnership agreement between the Anna Lindh Foundation and COPEAM was renewed in October 2015, based on new cooperation paths.

Besides the Journalist Mediterranean Prize, in its 9th edition counting COPEAM again as a Jury member and media partner, the two Organisations are collaborating on further domains aimed at promoting the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue:

  • The Mediterranean Journalist Award
  • Debate to Action Media Campaign
  • The 3rd Mediterranean Forum of the Anna Lindh Foundation
  • Creative works’ translations

In particular, in the framework of the “Debate to Action” strategic project – led by the ALF and…

Which future for the young people of the Mediterranean? The contribution of the media

7-9 April 2016 – Palais des Congrès – Ajaccio 

Hosted by the Collectivité Territoriale de Corse (Corsica Region)

The events that have been shaking the Region in the recent years on both shores have caused a strong deception among the youngsters, the former to get involved in those social movements. Their hopes in the future are weak, often confronted to political, economic and social dynamics that they perceive as prevaricating and far-off. Our challenge is to give back confidence in…

Geneva, 7-10 December 2015

From 7 to 10 December 2015, COPEAM took part in two main events on gender and media organised at Palais des Nations in Geneva.

The first one was the “International development cooperation meeting on gender and media”, organized by UNESCO in cooperation with the Government of Greece, GAMAG (Global Alliance on Media And gender), ITU, UN Women, OHCHR and other UN organizations.

The event was followed by the first General Assembly of GAMAG. Launched in Bangkok two years ago, the Alliance gathered, in its first Assembly, stakeholders and members from…


Tunis, 10 Decembre 2015 At the conclusion of the 35^ General Assembly of ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union) – held in Tunis last December 10 – the three Unions ASBU-COPEAM-EBU met again to make an assessment of the cooperation projects developed together in the fields of coproduction, of training and of news and programmes’ excahnges. Ingrid Deltenre, Director General of EBU, Abdelrahim Suleiman, Director General of ASBU and Pier Luigi Malesani, COPEAM Secretary General, took part in the works, also attended by the representatives of the common members.