“A première vue” goes on tour!

“A première vue” project – devoted to the best short-films made by the students of the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-arts (ALBA) of Beirut, the Ecole Supérieure de l’Audiovisuel et du Cinéma (ESAC) of Gammarth and the Ecole Supérieur des Arts Visuels (ESAV) of Marrakesh, and produced in collaboration with Uninettuno – keeps on growing: several festivals and events are proposing to COPEAM to include an APV projection in their programmes, so making our Lebanese, Tunisian and Moroccan schools’ talents and films appreciated by a large international public.

During the summer 2018, two…

The 6th edition of “Inter-Rives” TV documentary coproduction “Creative memory: the past meets the future”, promoted by COPEAM and ASBU, is in its broadcasting phase.

In the last months, the winners of the Prize for the best documentaries of this cycle – Maja Fister for “Listen to the Stone” (HRT/Croatia) and Ahmad Shawar for “First gallery” (PBC/Palestine) – were invited respectively in Tunis, during the Arab radio & TV Festival of ASBU, and in Vinci (Italy) to be officially awarded.

Currently, the TV partners are programming the broadcasting of the series and COPEAM is organising…

« A première vue » goes on tour!

The programme promoting the best school films, set up by COPEAM with the three partner schools (ALBA/Beirut, ESAV/Marrakech and ESAC/Gammarth) and Uninettuno, continues to travel around the Mediterranean with public screening events: in Split (Croatia), during the COPEAM annual Conference (April 2019), in Seville, as part of the Azimut Meetings (June 2019), in partnership with the Tres Culturas Foundation, and at the RomAfrica Film Festival in Rome ( July 2019).

In addition to the films made by the students of the partner schools, a window has also been opened up to promote the award-winning films at the…

Generation What? Arabic is the first cross-media programme putting the South-Mediterranean millennial generation under the spotlights.    
Started on January 2017, during the 28 months of implementation, the project has facilitated an unprecedented level of engagement with young people in the South-Med region – from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia – enabling sociologists to capture and analyse a wide range of qualitative and quantitative feedback on key issues, respondents’ concerns, hopes and ambitions. Built upon the successful European version of “Generation What?” developed in 13 EU member States, it was basically structured…

Rome/Perugia (Italy), 3-6 December 2019

With the aim to enhance the capacities of TV and radio journalists to report on sports topics, RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana – in collaboration with COPEAM and in partnership with ASBU – organized a 4-day workshop from 3 to 6 December 2019, at the Centro Italiano di Studi Superiori per la Formazione e l’Aggiornamento in Giornalismo Radiotelevisivo of Perugia.

14 journalists coming from 12 broadcasters of COPEAM network and from 10 countries (Balkans, Southern Mediterranean and Middle East) took part in this international training.

Starting from the belief that…

2020 ERN-Med Prize winners

COPEAM is glad to announce the selection results of the 2020 ERN-Med Prize – devoted this year to the topic “Changing societies: communicating the Mediterranean diversities”:

>Best news items (ex aequo): “Planting a tree for migrants” by France Télévisions / France  and “Women training project” by TVE / Spain

>Special mention: Interreligious artby EPTV / Algeria

Thanking the Arab and the European Broadcasting Unions (ASBU and EBU) for the valuable contribution to the Prize as Jury members and, with them, the ERN-Med Coordination Centre for all the work done during the year, we congratulate France Télévisions, TVE and EPTV for this success!

COPEAM and the institutions

November-December 2020

At the end of the year, COPEAM has fulfilled its institutional commitments by participating in important meetings and events organized by historical partners, such as the Steering Committee for the Media and the Information Society (CDMSI) and the North / South Centre of the Council of Europe, the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Alliance of Civilizations of the United Nations.

On 24 and 25 November, the CDMSI (Steering Committee on Media and Information Society), of which COPEAM is an observer member, held online its 18th meeting, which was an opportunity to inform,…

Your weekly rendezvous on the airwaves of the 7 partner radio stations offers a crossed and shared interpretation of the Mediterranean news, with free-subject or thematic numbers, special recordings and guest radio stations.

This season has been marked by special issues devoted to international events and innovative partnerships which can be found – on demand – on COPEAM’s SoundCloud page.

  • Kantara #26: “Passerelles Sonores” with Ancrages and the MUCEM

A special episode dedicated to the project “Passerelles Sonores”, a series of podcasts created by the Marseille association Ancrages and the Mucem, and produced by Urban Prod.       

While the year 2021 has started in the continuity of the uncertainty linked to the health crisis, the audiovisual and film sectors are facing an unprecedented situation, the restrictive measures taken to contain COVID-19 having a considerable impact on the domain of festivals.

COPEAM’s Cinema-Festival-Culture Commission, chaired by Zina Berrahal (TV5MONDE), launched an online survey to take stock of the challenges, consequences and opportunities that the crisis represents for Mediterranean film festivals. A need to understand and promote the actions implemented by the region’s cinema events to resist the pandemic and initiate a common reflection on…