ASBU-EBU-COPEAM Tripartite 2010

The three Unions gathered for the VII Tripartite, on the occasion of the 29th General Assembly of ASBU that was held in December 2010 in Khartoum (Sudan).

During the meeting , the state of art on the common activities in the domains of training, co-production and programmes and news’ exchange was made. A particular attention was devoted to the joint projects, both ongoing and in their achievement phase, supported by the European Commission: Med-Mem, Euromed News, the new programme Euromed Audiovisual III for the Capacity Building support in the South-Mediterranean countries.

ASBU-EBU-COPEAM Tripartite 2010

The three Unions gathered for the VII Tripartite, on the occasion of the 29th General Assembly of ASBU that was held in December 2010 in Khartoum (Sudan).

During the meeting , the state of art on the common activities in the domains of training, co-production and programmes and news’ exchange was made. A particular attention was devoted to the joint projects, both ongoing and in their achievement phase, supported by the European Commission: Med-Mem, Euromed News, the new programme Euromed Audiovisual III for the Capacity Building support in the South-Mediterranean countries.

Copeam at Prix Italia – 62° Edition Turin 2010

Copeam will participate in the 62° Edition of the Prix Italia,prestigiousInternationalPrize for TV, Radio and Web programmes yearly organized by RAI. This year it will be held in Turin at RAI’s Headquarters, from 19 to 24 September 2010.

On Tuesday21,the meeting “Telling the Mediterranean" will take place in Via Verdi, at 9,30 – Studio TV7. The event, jointly organized by RAI and COPEAM, will be the occasion to present the book TELLING AND BROADCASTING MEDITERRANEAN STORIES. A STUDY ON DOCUMENTARY FILM.

The book published by RAI ZONE…


"La Festa del Cinema del Reale" is an yearly cultural event co-organized by Big Sur, the Associazione Cinema del reale and Officina Visioni to support and develop narratives of the “real” and documentary cinema produced in Italy, in the Mediterranean countries and in the world.

On Friday 22 July, Copeam opened the meeting "Filmare il Sud" (Filming South), recounting the Inter-rives’ experience through the voice of the coordinators of the two series, the journalist Sampiero Sanguinetti and the Tunisian Tv Expert Frej Chouchane. Following, there were a public screening of some short documentaries realized…

In the framework of the 7th edition of “La festa del cinema del reale” that will be held from 21 to 24 July in Specchia, near Lecce, Copeam will present the II Series of “Inter-rives” , the first Euro-Arab co-production realized in collaboration with ASBU (Arab States Broadcasting Union).

"La Festa del Cinema del Reale" is a cultural event co-organized by Big Sur, the Associazione Cinema del reale and Officina Visioni to support and develop narratives of the “real” and documentary cinema produced in Italy, in the Mediterranean countries and in the world.

PRESENTATION “La Festa del Cinema del Reale” is an yearly cultural event co-organized by Big Sur, the Associazione Cinema del reale and Officina Visioni to support and develop narratives of the “real” and documentary cinema produced in Italy, in the Mediterranean countries and in the world. On Friday 22 July, Copeam opened the meeting “Filmare il Sud” (Filming South), recounting the Inter-rives’ experience through the voice of the coordinators of the two series, the journalist Sampiero Sanguinetti and the Tunisian Tv Expert Frej Chouchane. Following, there were a public screening of some short documentaries realized within the project in line…

URTI is the first International Radio-TV Grand Prix with 54 participating countries in 2009. For its 22nd edition, with the support of Ando Media Group, the International URTI Radio Grand Prix calls for participation on the theme: “Young people of today”.

Each organization is invited to present one or two programmes in competition.
The jury will meet in September 2010 in Varna (Bulgaria), at the kind invitation of the Bulgarian National Radio. Prizes will be awarded to the most original and creative productions. The International URTI Radio Grand Prix is now endowed with 5.000 $….

Paris, 8 – 11 April 2010

“The Mediterranean Audiovisual Stake”

The 17th Annual Conference of COPEAM, organized in collaboration with INA (National Audiovisual Institute) and under the High Patronage of Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the French Republic, was focused on the theme “The Mediterranean Audiovisual Stake”. A stake embodied in a series of concrete and ambitious projects aiming at drawing the Mediterranean audiovisual landscape. This edition was an opportunity to assess the development of the 10 projects adopted by the General Assembly of Cairo, in 2009, which gained the consensus of the professionals of both the Mediterranean sides, as…